Matt wrote:You're right. I mispoke.
You have the right to:
-dig and find personal info and post it anywhere on the internet, just to be an a'hole and regardless of the impact it might have elsewhere.
-be an ungrateful jerk to those who serve in military by holding them to standards you can't hold yourself to
Not sure where I have done such a thing. I follow the laws that pertain to my job and life. I don't see why anyone else should be exempt.
-pretend all is good when your clique does unethical, yet not illegal things, to someone outside your clique
Again: Sigh...
-ridicule, insult, and be arrogant about anyone who chooses to have religion.
Actually, I try NOT to do this. I try to only insult and ridicule those who earn that reward.
-be a fat 300 pound porker and use a skinny avatar
A man can dream, can't he?
-want to take away money someone has worked hard to earn so those who don't work as hard can skate along
Matter of perspective, actually. I call it paying for the value you get from the government.
-burn the American flag
Um... thanks?
-claim any religious figure was secretly a homo
Never done that, but I'll have to look into it.
-rag on a President
Again... I prefer not to do so unless it is earned.
-blame a political group for all your woes.
Oh... like "liberals"? I hear that a LOT these days.
-run a forum that invites abuse and ridicule on anyone who is American, has religion, or simply not like you
I'll let you take this one up with Liv. I run nothing, except the occasional "instance."
-cry for protection when the chips are down from a country you have nothing but bad things to say about.
Hyperbole doesn't really work for you, mon. Not any more.
You are free and have the right to do it all. No question about it. Beautiful thing, ain't it?
Rights are a very interesting and strange invention of humanity. We're still trying to work out what they really mean. Relax and don't let it get to you...