The Democrats are tacking several billion dollars for earmarks on the Iraq Funding Bill to BUY the votes they can not get otherwise for the bill. The Iraq Funding Bill as written will force all the troops to be brought home next year. I wrote on this previously on March 8th, Will They Never Learn?. This bill in itself is a death warrant for our troops still in Iraq. NEVER tell the enemy when you are planning on withdrawing from the field. NEVER! Armies thru out history have recognized this truth, but our intellectually challenged Democrats in the House of Representatives think they were given control of the house and Senate in the last election with a mandate to bring the troops home and end our involvement in Iraq. ONE VOTE can not be considered a mandate by any but the brain dead. The majority of the population are still behind the President on the Middle East. His low ratings are due to the bungling that resulted from the erroneous expectations of being met as liberators in Iraq rather than invaders. The Iraqi people are not yet ready to govern themselves. In point of fact there is no such thing as an Iraqi national identity. There are three tribes of people with five hundred years of differences and animosity towards each of the other two tribes. THIS was the first mistake made by the Bush administration and it lead to the bungling of the effort to set up a democratic state in the Middle East from even before the first troops set foot in Iraq. Now it is a cauldron of diverse terrorist groups gathering from all over the Muslim world to fight Americans with a side dish of civil war between the three tribes in the area known as Iraq. This is what the American public is upset about. Not the war in Iraq, but the bungling and poor judgment and planning. However the majority of Americans see the need to clean up the mess we have made for the common people in Iraq before we can honorably leave. The Democrats did not get a go ahead from the public to end the involvement in Iraq. And they certainly did not get a mandate to get American troops killed!
The Democrats in the House are determined to get the votes so they are offering billions of deficit spending pork to buy the votes they can not get any other way. This is despicable behavior and regardless whether it is done all the time in this time of huge deficits it is totally irresponsible.
The Democrats are of course claiming there are needs for domestic spending that have not been met . If this is the case then produce a separate Domestic Spending Bill where all of these needs can be debated and decided upon in a bipartisan way. If the needs are legitimate the American people will back the bill and encourage the tax increases to pay for them.
I urge you all to contact your Congressmen and tell them how you feel about this underhanded ploy by a group of legislators who know their bill will not pass without BUYING the votes with the tax payers money.
And by the way, I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I am for voting purposes registered as an Independent. I try to look at each person running for office on his or her own merits regardless of party affiliation , and I look at each proposed law or bill on it’s merits and feasibility. BB
I am an Opinionated Older Lady Who Speaks Out. You may not always agree with or like my messages, but they are sincerely given. Coming from looking back over a lifetime of social activism.