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Greensboro Weather

ACC Tournament Town

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Sat Oct 22, 2005 3:20 pm

So I'm watching WFMY last night, and watching their 6 o'clock news. Battered and torn by a complete day home alone with 2 screaming kids. I'm practically comatose on the couch at this point. I'm trying to learn how to relax. I'm not really good at it. Then this news segment comes on. There's the Mayor of Greensboro, Mr Happy. Oh and boy is he happy. You see evidently Greensboro has been searching for a byline, a mantra, a slogan... something we should be known for. They didn't seem to even pay attention to my recent post of That's okay. So what is this incredible thing, people around the world will call Greensboro?

Mr Happy says "Tournament Town"
(The crowds go wild.)

What? Tournament town? I hate sports.

Then I had a moment of eureka! I ran over to the mission control computer (formerly known as the Walmart 99.00 PC Special) and quickly point my browser to and type in Guess what? It's taken. But wait look at the date...

Registered through:
Created on: 12-Oct-05
Expires on: 13-Oct-06
Last Updated on: 12-Oct-05

I missed it by only by 9 days. Did someone get a heads up? Sure your thinking Greensboro bought it right? Nope, some guy in California.


Administrative Contact:
DeSamone, Larry
32000 Riverside Drive
Lake Elsinore, California 92530
United States
(951) 678-6844

Sure this could be coincidence. Or maybe not. Maybe its a ploy to eat us out of our hard earned taxed dollars because Greensboro will now have to pay some domain Shark for the domain. Someone who was working on the slogan and wanted to benefit financially?

But isn't that what you were thinking of doing Beth?

Damn right I was.

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