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Senior Citizens Fitted With Accelerometer to Sense Falls.

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:29 pm

I've fallen and I can't get up. It's those immortal words of those eighties commercials that we all just used to laugh at.

It's a simple process of falling, pressing a button, whereby a small electronic dialing device & speaker-phone dials 911 and being saved is only a button push away. But, the newest versions of these "Life Alert" call buttons will actual sense the individual falling via accelerometers and automatically call emergency services in the event the person is incapable of pressing the button.

The device which will benefit the growing numbers of elderly senior citizens and handicap could be used to dial important emergency numbers, or set up to dial the nurse in hospitals, or long-term care facilities. Worn around the waist, the center of it's technology is an accelerometer, a device commonly used in crash test dummies to measure the amount of force exerted in an automobile crash.

Later models of the "Life Alert" accelerometer will be fitted with GPS, and allow for loved ones, and health-care professionals to be sure the next generation of senior citizens can lead safe, long independents lives, without fear of injury that often effect people over the age of 65.
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