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Splenda Cancer

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:50 pm

Splenda Cancer

This year one the most important changes in my diet was the reduction of sugar in my daily intake. This was difficult to me, since I was somewhat addicted to Soda and had convinced myself that without it, I'd go into sugar withdrawals, crack and kill someone. I discovered however that Diabetic kidney failure might be a worst I gave up the sugar.

What took it's place was Splenda. Splenda is pretty decent in coffee, and even soda, but its still not Sugar. The big question on every ones mind though is does it give you cancer? Splenda Cancer? I can't say I buy into all the fear and controversy over the fact a couple lab rats died from cancer when they where given super huge amounts of Splenda, but it is in the back of my head. But what are you to do? Give up sweetness all together? No thanks. I'll take my chances.
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