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Pizza Hut Cheesy Bites Pizza

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:21 am

Pizza Hut Cheesy Bites Pizza

Have you seen this monstrosity of a Pizza? When did Pizza Hut become the institute of new pizza design? Was someone complaining, asking why pizza wasn't more exciting? What brainiac was sitting around thinking, "man it's just too much of a pain to order cheesy bread, and pizza, I wish we could combine them?"

Does Pizza Hut realize how odd this thing looks? An entire pizza surrounded by dough tags of cheese. Little oozing capsules of melted mozzarella goo!

I'm all for stuffed crust pizza. It was like the double-wide of trailer park food; but, lets leave good enough alone. Pizza was made to be simple, universal, and most of all deliverable during the Super Bowl. But thanks to Pizza Hut's marketing madness, millions of football fans will be misled into ordering this less then appetizing variation.
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