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Graffiti Ads

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:52 pm

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Graffiti Ads

Do you think Grafitti Ads considered that by refusing the ad for based on homophobia, that Greensboro's blogging community, and more importantly Matt Hill would provide them with some free advertising? Give Google another month and I'm taking bets that when anyone searches for them on the Internet they'll get Matt Hill's blog and Matt's post instead of Graffiti Ad's website.

I discussed this with my partner, and unfortunately, we are afraid the subject is just too controversial for graffiti ads at this time. We will keep you in mind in case things change in the future.

Thanks again for your interest.


Name Removed

graffiti ads, LLC
445 Springdale Ave.
Winston-Salem, NC 27104

Personally I'm disgusted to see this company, tarnish the Triad's image with yet another discriminatory action.
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