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By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:43 am


With my tax return only days away from being direct deposited into my account. Plans are underway to take a family vacation. We're going to rent a van and drive from North Carolina to Philadelphia, and then on the return swing by Hershey, PA and then down into Washington, DC.

Sounds like fun don't it. So far we've decided we HAVE to get a authentic Philly Cheese steak. MUST run up the Rocky steps and look like complete tourists. REQUIRED to flash the White House and anyone inside, and lastly it is absolutely NECESSARY to go visit the Amish and have a long discussion with them about the blogging scene in Greensboro, and how they should get on the bandwagon.

Shannon has already looked up all the free chocolate tours in Hershey, and I can't wait to go.

Any suggestions, recomendations? Any good Restaurants on the way?
By Matt
The Voice of Reason and Dissension
Published: Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:35 am

Don't forget to get some scrapple.
Procrastinate now, don't wait until later.
By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:05 am

I had to look that one up.

Scrapple is a cornmeal pudding in which the cornmeal is simmered with pork scraps and trimmings, then cooled and hardened into a loaf.

Scrapple is made of hog offal such as the head, heart, liver, and other scraps. The proportion and spicing is very much a matter of the
region and the cook's taste.

Doesn't sound to appetizing? Have you had it Matt?

Sounds like pork meatloaf.

By Matt
The Voice of Reason and Dissension
Published: Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:05 am

The first one listed sounds more like the scrapple I'm thinking of.

I've had it and it sounds nasty as hell. Doesn't look so great either. But it's very good. My grandma used to make something like it, even though I grew up in WI and she was French but raised as a child in Poland (go figure that one out).

If you're looking for a healthy meal, though, get something else. The American Heart Association would not approve.

Here's another good description

Unless you live in the Middle Atlantic states, you may have never had the dubious pleasure of breakfasting on scrapple - a fried slice of pork-mush. Often erroneously called Philadelphia Scrapple, it's really a dish that originated in the Eastern Pennsylvania farmlands of German born settlers - far from the city of Brotherly Love.

It's dictionary defined as "cornmeal mush made with the meat and broth of pork, seasoned with onions, spices and herbs and shaped into loaves for slicing and frying." The word, scrapple originates from "scrap" or "scrappy" meaning made up of odds and ends for that's exactly what it is - boiled, ground leftover pig scraps with cornmeal and spices thrown in. Scrapple lovers think of it as food for the gods. Anti-scrapplers consider it a culinary abomination.

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