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Best thing I've read all week.

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:39 am

And heck, I've been reading "Hatchet" to my kids, and that's the pinacle of highschool reading, but this takes the cake.

Quote: They Demand Respect While Simultaneously Treating You Like a Child

When you excel at your job, companies have a tendency to reward you with meaningless symbols of merit. Every company I have worked for has had some sort of employee recognition program set up. A job well done might earn you the title ‘Employee of the Month.’ You might get a plaque with your name on it. Or a pre-printed ‘Thank You’ letter from your boss. You might even earn the privilege of wearing a special pin or you may simply get a pat on the back.

You know who else is rewarded like this for good behavior? My 9 year old stepdaughter. After she completes a ballet class, she earns a pat on the head and a sticker for her jacket. This, of course, thrills her.

But it’s pretty fucking degrading if you’re a grown ass adult.

Face it, if your employer really respected you and valued the work that you did, he’d reward you with money. He’d cut you in on the profit. You’d get a slice of the pie.

He wouldn’t draw a little smiley face on a slip of paper and expect you to proudly display it on your refrigerator like you’re a 6 year old child.

True that, true that.
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By A Person
Features Reporter
Published: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:46 pm

Except that he's wrong Smile

Adults and children both respond to tokens of appreciation. Adults are more skilled at detecting insincere praise but, colour me cynical if you like, as a manager I know I can get better results with $1,000 spent on 'tokens' than tacked on to my salary budget.

An example: a salaried employee puts in many extra hours on a project. Giving them a $150 voucher for them and their partner at a nice restaurant will be received with genuine appreciation. Offering them $150 will just cause them to calculate how many extra hours they spent and how much that works out to per hour. They'll then come back and ask for the rest of the money.
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