Pelosi scandal: Politician puts politics above her alleged faith
Michael Gaynor Michael Gaynor
October 28, 2006
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is a San Francisco Democrat who aspires to be Speaker of the House of Representatives.
BUT, Ms. Pelosi also professes to be a Roman Catholic.
Ms. Pelosi can be a Catholic or a champion of "San Francisco values."
NOT both.
On May 23, 2004, in an article titled "Holy Communion Should Be Demied to Kerry," I wrote:
"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, an ardent abortion supporter and nominal Roman Catholic, 'fully intend[s] to receive communion, one way or another,' despite Vatican opposition to the receipt of Holy Communion by persons professing to be both Catholics in a state of grace and abortion supporters.
"Ms. Pelosi explained that receiving Holy Communion is 'very important' to her. ....Will America's Catholic bishops cooperate or chastise America's Nancy Pelosi's, Tom Daschle's, Ted Kennedy's and John Kerry's? ... [and] some nominally Catholic Republicans ... such as Maine Senator Susan Collins.
"Canon 915 provides that '[t]hose... who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.'
"Canon 915 protects the Holy Eucharist and prevents the public scandal that would result from ineligible persons receiving Holy Communion.
"Averting public scandal is vital. As St. Thomas Aquinas long ago explained, a distinction 'must be made' between secret and open sinners, and 'Holy Communion ought not to be given to open sinners when they ask for it.'
Ms. Pelosi may be "a secret admirer" of tax cuts, but she is an open sinner who rejects fundamental Roman Catholic teaching for political reasons and still presents herself for Communion.
Can anybody say Hypocrisy? _________________ Carl Sagan:
"I don't want to beLIEve. I want to know." |