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Anthony Ray Stockelman & Katie's Revenge

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:17 pm

I come home tonight and discover the Amish on the front of CNN. Interestingly that's not what caught my attention it's this:

Anthony Ray Stockelman, 39, an inmate serving a life in prison, for molesting and murdering a 10 year old child named Katie was held down and tattooed by his fellow inmates. The prisoners tattooed the word's: "KATIE'S REVENGE," authorities say.


Proof once again, God, if there is one, has a sense of humor.
By Matt
The Voice of Reason and Dissension
Published: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:19 pm

Was that God or justice?

Either way, he's got it coming.
Procrastinate now, don't wait until later.
By meblogin
Guest Columnist
Published: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:56 pm

God certainly did not stop it from happening and yes there is a God.

Now...why do you run an ad for RLH on you blog? Do you support her?
Have a fantastic day!
By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:04 pm

meblogin wrote:
God certainly did not stop it from happening and yes there is a God.

Now...why do you run an ad for RLH on you blog? Do you support her?

Your answer:
By meblogin
Guest Columnist
Published: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:11 pm

Hi Beth,

I had no idea who RLH was until all the posts here husband made at Ed's. He convinced me along with many other posters that she would be a bad choice.

The Madame Justice stuff...the Coach who didn't endorse her..etc.

Why do you think she whould make a good Supreme Court Justice?

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:24 am

meblogin wrote:
Hi Beth,

I had no idea who RLH was until all the posts here husband made at Ed's. He convinced me along with many other posters that she would be a bad choice.

The Madame Justice stuff...the Coach who didn't endorse her..etc.

Why do you think she whould make a good Supreme Court Justice?


I don't... it's just an ad. She gives Roch Money, Roch gives me money, I pay for hosting, and a couple coffees, and then we can have this conversation. It's that simple. It's not an endoresement, it's an ad.
By meblogin
Guest Columnist
Published: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:33 pm

Thanks Beth.

I guess it is all those voters who simply vote based on name recognition that concerns me.

Thanks for the informed response...helps those of us new to blogs learn.
By shepdog
Published: Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:25 pm

I would have implanted the pen into his forehead. No mercy. The guy who did this should receive a presidental pardon. I wish I could add some cash to his personal prison canteen account
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