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Greensboro the Murder capital of the world.

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:34 pm

I was surfing around online again and ran into this video. The video is a commercial from Greensboro's Lorillard corporation, and manufacturer of Newport cigarettes.

Supposedly Newport cigarettes have the highest level of tar and nicotine out of any other cigarette on the market. Does that mean Lorillard, a Greensboro company is single handedly killing more people in the world then any other manufacturer? Would that make Greensboro the murder capital of the world?

Newport, introduced in 1957, is a brand of menthol cigarettes produced by the Lorillard Tobacco Company in Greensboro, North Carolina. The cigarettes are produced in regular, medium, and light varieties, and packaged in three sizes: Kings, 100s, and 120s.

Newport cigarettes are known to smokers for their intensity (high nicotine and tar content). They have the highest nicotine and tar content of all cigarette brands, and are among the top 5 in highest price [citation needed]. The common Newport box contains white top, with "Newport" written on it, and from then on, horizontal green stripes.

Newport is also the number-one menthol cigarette in the United States (as of 2001), and the most popular cigarette brand amongst African Americans.

By SouthernFriedInfidel
Features Reporter
Published: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:53 am

beth wrote:

I was surfing around online again and ran into this video. The video is a commercial from Greensboro's Lorillard corporation, and manufacturer of Newport cigarettes.

Supposedly Newport cigarettes have the highest level of tar and nicotine out of any other cigarette on the market. Does that mean Lorillard, a Greensboro company is single handedly killing more people in the world then any other manufacturer? Would that make Greensboro the murder capital of the world?

Have you watched "Thank You for Smoking"? Pretty good satire on the whole thing abot tobacco and lobbying. Some decent laughs and lots of food for thought.
Agitators are a set of interfering, meddling people, who come down to some perfectly contented class of the commuinity and sow the seeds of discontent among them. That is the reason why agitators are so absolutely necessary. - Oscar Wilde
By Sanjuro
Published: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:36 am

beth wrote:
Would that make Greensboro the murder capital of the world?

Maybe the suicide capital of the world. No one forces someone to smoke. Wink

"Thank you for Smoking" was a great film. It's more about the power of lobbying than the actual tobacco industry in my opinion.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do" -Mark Twain
By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:06 am

No I haven't seen it, I want too...
By Bill
Guest Columnist
Published: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:02 pm

Been called many things before, but never a "murderer". So anyone who knowingly manufactures, markets, distributes - and in some cases, uses - a
legal product that can be detrimental to human health/longevity is >automatically< a "murderer"? Better think long and carefully before you answer - you may realize that you're a past/present member of the murderer's club, too.javascript:emoticon('Wink')

BTW, I think Marlboro cigarettes currently have the highest nicotine/tar content, but I could be out-of-date here.

Sanjuro is absolutely correct: nobody forces anyone to smoke. I smoke because, a) I enjoy it, b) I know I'm going to die anyway, and let's face it: dead is dead, and c) I'm sick and tired of this Health Nazi culture that seems determined to rule the private and personal choices of every citizen for his/her "own good". If you don't wish to be exposed to my smoke, that's fine. I can handle that. But It's my own damn business what I choose to put in my own body, be it nicotine, cholesterol, high fructose corn syrup, guar gum, salt, THC, or alcohol.

My cousin Billy had a fatal heart attack at age 54. He smoked two packs a day and was at least fifty pounds overweight. My best friend's grandmother died at age 98, was fashionably slim, and never smoked or drank her whole life. But she spent the last fifteen years of her life senile, bed-ridden, and wearing a diaper in a nursing home. Life's a crap-shoot, kids. But I think if I had a choice I'd choose Billy's
fate. Arrow
The Rain King

"The power of accurate observation is frequently labeled cynicism by those who do not possess it."

-- George Bernard Shaw
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