By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:00 pm
I'm a bit frustrated with things at the current moment, and what better way to get out anger and give the kids something to do then build a marshmallow man out of Styrofoam paper-plates and marshmallows. Once we created Mr Stay-puff, we then decided to display the power of the one's who created him by destroying him.
So we plopped him in the microwave, and watched him melt into an ooey gooey mess of sugary goodness and Styrofoam. Don't get to excited, it's not the most exciting bit of Internet weirdness I've ever created.
By Matt
The Voice of Reason and Dissension
Published: Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:13 pm
that's "Stay Puft".
Didn't you see Ghostbusters? _________________ Procrastinate now, don't wait until later.