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You Know you're from Winston Salem...

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:56 pm

I'm a complete sucker for this stuff. Remember , Now someone has developed the Winston Salem version. Classic.


You know you're from Winston-Salem if.....
- you know Texas Pete comes from WS not from Texas

- you know Mayberry's makes the best Ice Cream

- you get excited seeing Krispy Kreme boxes in movies or 'faraway places' like L.A. because you know they're 'from Winston'

- you go to the festival of lights weeks after, or weeks before Christmas, to avoid the crowd

- The Dixie Classic Fair beats the shit out of the state fair

- You remember when Trade street was more Hookers then Art Galleries (THAT REALLY WASNT VERY LONG AGO ... AND LIBERTY STILL IS ISNT IT?)-ditto!

- You roll your eyes when people from out of town get excited by Old Salem or the Reynolda House

- You've been to a love feast at like 5 am

- You don't really care about Wake basketball, there's just not that much to do in the Winter

- You've been to Dewey's bakery

- You've hung out at Borders and stared at the weird emo kids from School of the Arts

- You own at least one North Face (or did in High School)

- You played soccer when you where 5

- Now that you're older, you thank god for Burke Street

- Your parents have dragged you to The Nut Cracker at the Stevens center every year since time out of mind

- You had Dinner at Twin City Chop House before prom

- You routinely had to drive 45 miles or more to a high school house party

- you have been in at least one store with a skip Prosser bobble head

- You remember the Warthogs back when they were the Spirits and you participated in the Winston Salem Journal poll to pick the name

- Senator Richard Burr once coached your soccer team

- Now that you're older, you think it was somewhat wrong that you took a 4th grade field trip to the RJR Tobacco factory

- You become completely lost and disorientated if you get to far from I-40

- You've ever waited outside for Hanes Mall to open- and you still refer to everything west of J.C. Penny's as the 'new mall'

- You have ever had a 10 minute fight about how to say Buena Vista or Reynolda

- You go to waffle house to smoke because there are to many people who happen to be related to you around, so you have to hide

- You know that after Monterey's and La Careta, Mexican food is all down hill from there

- You get real excited when you run in to Cameron Kent at Fresh Market

- You've been asked if that's where witches live

- Moravian sugar cake and/or Moravian buns are part of your holiday tradition (Yummy!!!)

- Childhood memory involved Zach's yogurt (again, Yummy!!)

- You're somehow prejudiced against people from the'big cities' of Greensboro or Raleigh, but still make fun of people from small towns like K-vegas or Rural Hall.

- You know what K-vegas means...

- You lived in the West End and you really had to walk up hill both ways to get to school.

Texas Pete is made in Winston? Really?

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