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Snapshot of Greensboro's Religous Right? Who then turn gay.

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:31 am

I stumbled upon this earlier today and thought, now that's the Greensboro I know about. All these liberal bloggers making us look like a diverse open-minded city. Nope, here's the real-deal. Laura who can't seem to get over her husband leaving her for another man, blames him, and asks how he can reconcile this with God. Laura, God doesn't care if your husbands gay, he's more worried about the hypocrisy of you blaming your husband for not understanding your pain, when you can't completely understand his.

It's not just gay men who make terrible husbands; other men with serious psychological issues are nightmares, too. And not only gay men are misogynists. But homosexuality is a particular sort of misogyny -- dispising the feminine on such a deep level that the man has only contempt for a woman's body as well as her mind and soul.

Dan and I were part of the same circle of friends throughout high school. Then, during our senior year, Dan was hired by the same variety store I worked at, so we were spending even more time together. After we graduated, we'd go out, sometimes with a couple of friends, sometimes just the two of us, after work, hang out together until almost 11:00 (my weeknight curfew)... it was late August, immediately after one of our friend's wedding, that we had the great revelation that we were wanting to spend all our time together, had become immensely important to one another.

While we were dating, Dan was companionable, good-humored, loads of fun. He was always the life and heart of our gang, anyway, and I basked in his intelligence and sense of fun and adventure. He never pushed about sex, and, since I'd been wracked with guilt about a prior, unchaste relationship, I thought Dan was noble, self-disciplined. After all, he'd been instrumental in the formation of my Christian discipleship for more than two years; he'd been an exemplary (if sometimes overzealous) Christian youth.

We'd sit and talk for hours, building our dream castles, yes, but also grounded in various realities in our lives. He was a staunch defender against my mother, who could be so cruelly critical.

Actually, we both had issues we were running away from. I loved my parents and wanted to be close to them, but they had made it clear that if I ever left home without their approval, I'd be cutting myself off. I had to get out, my mother was mentally ill (I didn't know it then, but she wasn't in the hospital for headaches - Daddy felt it was in my best interests to "protect" me from knowing too much).

I didn't know it then, but Dan had issues and fears he was running away from, too. He'd been seduced, at age 14, by the adult relative of another of our friends; it had left him scarred, afraid of his own sexual inclinations. It wasn't self-control that had kept him from trying to score with me.

Then, after we were married, he immediately became distant, uncommunicative, unaffectionate. I'm an affectionate woman, and even the most casual of one-armed hugs, or a hand resting on his arm or shoulder, would bring about a violent reaction: he'd jerk away from me as if scalded, make a snorting noise, and say, "Don't! You know that annoys me!"

After we moved to Greensboro in '82, he began working at the YMCA, where he met whole new groups of people. Some of them became his friends. He began, every couple of months, announcing that he was feeling restless and that he was going to go visit some of his friends. They never called the house, never were named, never were met. I had no friends that he didn't know -- most were from Church -- and even the good people we knew from our church, he became unreasonably critical of. He even seemed hostile toward some of them.

I became desperately lonely. A therapist from Focus on the Family, whom I had written in near-desperation, called me on the telephone, and as I described my situation, he warned me that he was concerned, advised me to seek out local counselling. "You're at extremely high, frighteningly high, risk for an affair," he warned me.

I had the opportunity. We had a friend from church who thought I was beautiful, witty, intelligent, and very desirable. I wasn't interested. I wholly believed that, if I'd just follow the rules and be faithful, God would give me a miracle. It didn't come the way I wanted it to.

It has to have been horrible for Dan. Son and grandson of Baptist preachers, highly idealistic... He had a lot to risk if his worst fears were grounded in reality. I believe he thought that getting married, functioning sexually with a woman, perhaps fathering children, would be all the barometer he'd need to assure himself of his "normalcy."

I think that's the way it was, anyway. He won't discuss it with me now. Or wouldn't, last time I talked with him about it. This was more than ten years ago -- he'd come out to our daughters, and according to them, to his parents and siblings. I asked him, how do you reconcile the contradictions between your strong Christian commitment and this lifestyle you've adopted? His answer was distressing, even in those days before I ever attended my first Catholic Mass: so long as he believed and acknowledged Jesus Christ as the Son of God and his personal savior, his salvation was assured.

He was already attending the Metropolitan Community Church.

If only he'd been straightforward with me, said something along the lines of, "Laura, I'm so sorry, I've really tried, but..." and owned some degree of responsibility, even attempted some empathy for the agony I was going through, it might have made the present more bearable. But he never has been, and has only lied, deceived, and manipulated. Whatever his choices have been, they are all my fault.

By Matt
The Voice of Reason and Dissension
Published: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:13 pm

Both are to blame here.

You shouldn't get married to run away from other issues and thinking marriage will fix them, no matter how much you love the other person.

If anything, marriage takes whatever issues you have and intensifies them. If you have choosen a good spouse, they will support you through them. If not, well it's a rough road.
Procrastinate now, don't wait until later.
By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:16 am

Hey, Beth --
Thanks for the heads-up in the Greensboro gay blog. Now I might be able to track Dan and let him know I need him for the nullity process -- either him, personally, or a bunch of family and friends witnesses. I don't think he wants that.

I miss the charming, lovely, affable boy I used to know. The fellow who used to be such a wonderful and companionable friend. If you know what happened to him along the way, I hope you'll pop in and tell me where I can find him. The snide, snark, deceitful, self-righteous contemptuous buzzard I knew in later years is no fun at all.

Oh, and while you're so busy being so pleased with yourself for joining the Fairy Prince in blaming me for everything (do queens bear no responsibility for their choices and the hurt subsequent and consequent to those choices?), perhaps it will interest you that I continued with my therapy- until Dan cashed the insurance check instead of turning it over to the therapist like he was supposed to do. He, on the other hand, told one therapist, "I know a marriage takes a lot of work, I just don't want to be bothered," and the other he just quit coming, always had something "better" and "more important" to do.

Both counselors (both women, by the way -- how come you haven't commented on the idea that homosexuality is fundamentally misogynistic at its core?) still remember him. Less than fondly.

Maybe he realized you had turned into something other then he first knew when he met you and couldn't stand it anymore.

Maybe, you made him gay? Maybe after being with a woman like you, he was so scared of looking upon another female, he turned gay.

By Matt
The Voice of Reason and Dissension
Published: Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:18 pm

what hell Beth?

The woman got dumped because her husband clearly denied and hid his feelings before they got married. Didn't sound like he got tricked or pushed into marrying her.

Why are you jumping on her for that?

Just because he's gay doesn't mean you have to automatically have to take his side.
By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:34 pm

It's not because he's gay... yes, he probably was a jackass but, she's the one that came out on her blog with some right wing rhetoric befitting her position. Her tone is that she's obviously heartbroken and saddened. I'll jump straight to heart of this, and you can slam me if you want. She's either not moved on... meaning she still hasn't found someone since, or is still so emotional attached to the idea of her husband being gay, she needs to slam him online.

It's one thing to tell your story, it's another to add assumptions and prejudices to simply justify your own emotional devastation.

Yes the man denied his feelings, or maybe he just didn't realize them till later in life. However she's just at fault for marrying someone she didn't know. It's not anyone's fault. Yes it sucks, it happens, get on with it and forget about it. But if your going to publish something about your ex on the Internet alongside of religious rhetoric about reconciling with God, then prepare to have people read it, and think your a complete loon.
By Matt
The Voice of Reason and Dissension
Published: Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:39 pm

If the blog didn't make any reference he turned/was gay, you probably would have never bothered reading the entire article.

Had it been he cheated with a woman, you'd be there saying "you go girl".
By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:40 pm

Actually that's not true, I found the blog by searching Technorati for the keyword Greensboro. I thought it was a compelling, interesting read; however misguided it might be.
By BecauseHeLives
Features Reporter
Published: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:13 pm

Maybe he realized you had turned into something other then he first knew when he met you and couldn't stand it anymore.

Maybe, you made him gay? Maybe after being with a woman like you, he was so scared of looking upon another female, he turned gay.

That certainly sounds like you think its OK for a gay person to not take responsibility for their actions. Pass the buck as one might say. I suppose its alright to commit adultry (which is what he did) since he wasn't happy in the maarriage? Gay or not, sex outside of marriage is adultry. Beth, you are attacking (yes attacking) the victim and (almost) patting the culprit on the back.
"Has it ever occurred to you that nothing ever occurs to God?"

By Carolina Cannonball.
Published: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:29 am

Why do you feel the need to attack the victim in this instance just to provide some validation for your condemnation of the "religious right"?

You assume Laura is not open minded because she refuses to accept that adultry & homosexuality are not sins. I don't call that "close mindedness" but clarity.

Please do not confuse the two issues here. One is women dealing with the pain of divorce... yours seems to be trying to prove some politcial point or push some homosexual agenda.
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