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Bring our Boys (& Girls) Home Rally November 6th

By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:10 am

This months "we hate bush" & "the war sucks" rally has been aranged by a potential politician, Rory Blake.

Monday, November 6. 12:00 noon. Guilford County Courthouse, 201 South Eugene Street, Greensboro.

Sixth District Congressional candidate Rory Blake today announced a series of rallies calling for the withdrawal of American soldiers from active duty in Iraq.
The rallies will be held at noon each day between now and Election Day, one at each of the county courthouses in the Sixth District, beginning in Moore and ending in Guilford County.
“We can no longer stand-by as American soldiers languish in a war without clearly defined goals and objectives. Staying a course, called that or not, leads only to more and more American casualties. It is not a strategy for victory; it is a smokescreen for something else.”
“We don’t need more or different slogans; we need purposeful action. We must, immediately begin the planning to bring our soldiers home, and require that the Iraqi people, once and for all, begin the peacefully resolution of their differences. The time has run out for excuses. It is time for action.”
“We cannot and we will not, as President Bush has said, wait for ‘future Presidents’ to address this problem. America is capable of making hard choices.”
“We must, and we will, address this problem now.”
“The American soldiers deserve this. The American people deserve this. And I am going to stand proudly with my friends throughout the Sixth District to proclaim our support not only for our troops, but for their safe – and immediate – exit from this unfortunate war.”

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