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Conservative and liberal dreams

By RebelSnake
Features Reporter
Published: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:36 am,2933,216759,00.html

New Study Finds Liberals More Restless Sleepers Than Conservatives

A sleep researcher says he has found fundamental differences between the dream worlds of liberals and conservatives.

Kelly Bulkeley of John F. Kennedy University in California tells The Ottawa Citizen that liberals are more restless sleepers and have a higher number of bizarre, surreal dreams. Bulkeley also found that liberals showed slightly higher levels of nightmares. He says conservatives' dreams were on average more mundane and focused on realistic people, situations and settings.

Bulkeley says some of his colleagues think his findings reinforce a stereotype of conservatives as repressed and uptight, but he says his research also shows “there may be a lot of hidden distress in the liberal mind."

Who would have believed it?
Carl Sagan:
"I don't want to beLIEve. I want to know."

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