No war on terror? |
Saw this today. Interesting reading. The first thing that came to mind was Richard Reid (you know, that old "shoe bomber" guy).
What I wondered at the time was how bloody stupid he had to be to fail at a perfect attack. How much brain power does it take to understand that if you want to set off a bomb in mid-flight -- you don't try to light your fuse in plain sight of your fellow passengers!
Either he was totally stupid, or he wanted to get caught and have his attack "foiled" so that he could keep living and still have some sort of "honor" in the eyes of his fellow terrorists.
Stuff to think about, at the very least... _________________ Agitators are a set of interfering, meddling people, who come down to some perfectly contented class of the commuinity and sow the seeds of discontent among them. That is the reason why agitators are so absolutely necessary. - Oscar Wilde |
 | By beth
Executive Editor
Published: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:04 am
Terrorist Guide to blow up a plane since 9/11
1-Stand up
2-walk to emergency exit
3-open door
4-jump out
5-aim your body towards engine.
6- Body goes through engine and no worky.
7- have several of your best friends repeat. |
 | By RebelSnake
Features Reporter
Published: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:24 am
Why didn't he just go to the bathroom and light the damn fuse in there? BTW SF, I just glanced over that article since it doesn't take a genius to see Dreyfuss has a real mad-on against Bush and company. I took a look at some of his other articles and it seems to be a recurring pattern. _________________ Carl Sagan:
"I don't want to beLIEve. I want to know." |
RebelSnake wrote:
Why didn't he just go to the bathroom and light the damn fuse in there? BTW SF, I just glanced over that article since it doesn't take a genius to see Dreyfuss has a real mad-on against Bush and company. I took a look at some of his other articles and it seems to be a recurring pattern.
Do you think that being against bush invalidates what he says about the war on terror? As I pointed out yesterday in another forum (sorry, Beth...) the political and miltary response to the threats we hear about appear to be far removed from what the rhetoric would indicate. Something is not adding up, and this article appears to fit the facts better than many I've seen recently. |
 | By RebelSnake
Features Reporter
Published: Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:04 pm
I. The threat of terrorism is wildly exaggerated.
the reason the United States has not been attacked since 9/11 is that terrorists are far less powerful than the White House claims. “If al Qaeda operatives are as determined and inventive as assumed, they should be here by now. If they are not yet here, they must not be trying very hard
I wonder what Spain, England, and Bali would have to say about that.
II. Al-Qaida barely exists at all as a threat.
We’re overstating their capability, because we can’t believe that there isn’t a more nefarious explanation for the fact that we haven’t been attacked.
See answer above.
IV. Iraq will not, and could not, fall to al-Qaida.He lied then and he is lying now.
By accusing the president of lieing he has lost any credibility he may have had. It is painfully transparent his only goal is to vilify Bush and do whatever he can to trash America's image around the world. |
RebelSnake wrote:
I. The threat of terrorism is wildly exaggerated.
the reason the United States has not been attacked since 9/11 is that terrorists are far less powerful than the White House claims. “If al Qaeda operatives are as determined and inventive as assumed, they should be here by now. If they are not yet here, they must not be trying very hard
I wonder what Spain, England, and Bali would have to say about that.
Hard to say. All of those terror attacks did far less damage than they might have, and were directed against "soft" targets. How many such targets are there in America, do you think?
IV. Iraq will not, and could not, fall to al-Qaida.He lied then and he is lying now.
By accusing the president of lieing {sic} he has lost any credibility he may have had. It is painfully transparent his only goal is to vilify Bush and do whatever he can to trash America's image around the world.
Hm. Let me ask you... do you think Bush was being truly serious on Monday when he said that civilization is in danger of falling to this threat? If his proposed steps to meet the danger he says is there don't match the claimed danger -- and I don't think they are by a long shot -- how do you see that discrepancy? |
 | By RebelSnake
Features Reporter
Published: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:50 pm
All of those terror attacks did far less damage than they might have, and were directed against "soft" targets. How many such targets are there in America, do you think?
By soft targets, I suppose you mean civilians. I know we have tons and tons of soft targets. The point to remember though is in five years we haven't had a single attack here although we know they have tried.
If his proposed steps to meet the danger he says is there don't match the claimed danger
How do we know whether or not he's right and how long do we wait to find out? We know these muslims want islam as the only religion on the planet. We know they are very patient and have been slowly spreading across the planet over the past several decades. And we also know they will not stop until they succeed or until they are killed. How would you suggest we handle this situation? |
RebelSnake wrote:
All of those terror attacks did far less damage than they might have, and were directed against "soft" targets. How many such targets are there in America, do you think?
By soft targets, I suppose you mean civilians. I know we have tons and tons of soft targets. The point to remember though is in five years we haven't had a single attack here although we know they have tried.
Actually, I mean unguarded or poorly-guarded targets. There are millions of potential places terrorists could strike today far more easily than on 9/11 if they were in place and willing to do something. You can probably think of several dozen here in Greensboro if you take a few minutes. I know I can.
But you know, that's the whole point of terrorism, isn't it? Make your target too nervous to operate normally, waste resources endlessly on a threat you never intend to actually carry out. Bin Laden and co will never need to lift a finger for the rest of their lives -- unless they really feel like it.
If his proposed steps to meet the danger he says is there don't match the claimed danger
How do we know whether or not he's right and how long do we wait to find out? We know these muslims want islam as the only religion on the planet. We know they are very patient and have been slowly spreading across the planet over the past several decades. And we also know they will not stop until they succeed or until they are killed. How would you suggest we handle this situation?
What I'm saying is that if there seriously is a danger to the very existence of this country, or even "civilization" as we know it, our government is not acting like it. When Hitler, Moussolini and Tojo threatened the world's civilization, America became a huge military fighting machine.
What are we doing today? Trying to lure high school kids to join up with street basketball tournaments. If Bush really felt there was an immediate threat to this nation that required military might, why isn't he asking to institute a draft, preparing to invade every corner of the world where terrorists are hiding and -- you know -- have a real war? The most sensible answer is that such actions wouldn't suit his purpose, whatever that might be. Whether sensible answers apply here, it's hard to really tell. |