Best Movie I've seen all year: Man from Earth
by Liv | Published on August 5th, 2008, 10:00 pm | Arts
If one movie of 2008 has shocked me it's Jerome Bixby's Man from Earth.In fact it was just a few days ago I was wondering whatever happened to the actor who played the Greatest American hero, William Katt. I kid you not, I was planning on writing a piece, and then this movie fell in my lap. As Sanjuro so eloquently stated with "Pan's Labrynth"- 'Run don't walk' to see Man from Earth. Better yet just login to Netflix and watch.
What really get's me is the simplicity of the movie. There's not a moment where the writing, acting, or directing is wrong. Some huge well-known actors appear in the movie, and I can pretty much guarantee you'll be crying by the end. Now it's at this point I should tell you what the movie is about, but I won't. Why? Because it might turn you off. The idea behind the movie seems so unbelievable, your first reaction would be "Cheesy"... and I know this because that's what I thought... but it isn't. It's a flawless, enjoyable 90 minute sci-fi ride the likes of which is a throwback to classics of days gone by. You as the movie watcher share the skepticism of the other characters, played by Tony Todd & Richard Riehle, but come full circle in believing the unbelievable by the end of the movie.
The plot which has many historical, and religious references is a joy for the rational mind.
The Man from Earth trailer is here though I highly suggest skipping it and going straight to NetFlix and watching it.