Waking up to die - House
by Liv | Published on May 20th, 2008, 2:38 pm | Arts
Last night's House was truly probably the most dramatic piece of television I've yet witnessed. The last 10 minutes involved my sobbing so intensely that by the time the news came on and they talked about some kid hitting the telephone pole on a motorcycle I almost lost it. For those of you who don't watch House (I'm doubtful of any) last nights episode involved one of the characters being injured in a automobile (bus) accident and the usual expected race to save her life. By the end we realize that there isn't a cure for her, and the induced coma, once lifted would awaken the patient for a short time before her liver, heart and other organs give out. The kicker here is the character was Amber, Wilson's girlfriend. The character we love to hate was now who we as an audience were now begging to live. What made it even more odd was Amber was completely unaware of anything happening. Last she remembers she was in a bar picking up the inebriated Dr. House and boarding the said bus.
The question was whether or not to wake her and spend the last few minutes with her making her aware of the situation, or let her die in her sleep and never be awake. This would lead our family into a post show conversation which never the less we hope we never had to face the same decision with each other.
In the end Wilson wakes Amber and the crying begins. Everyone says goodbye, and then in the end.... Amber dies. I guess it was particularly difficult for me. While I've yet to witnessed this first hand, the story as it's told has been similar with my uncle's passing. He awoke about a day before he died, surprised at the fact he had drunk himself into his body shutting down. He apologized, and then slipped back into a coma. Later my cousins would cease life-support and my uncle passed away. I was not there thankfully, and I've told Shannon I would want to be awoke, but she's not so sure. Would you want to be awoke only to be told your going to die?