Mickey D's = Big Brother
by Liv | Published on October 8th, 2007, 7:55 am | Arts
A few months back I saw the pseudo documentary "Fast Food Nation" from Richard Lanklater. The movie stars Greg Kinnear who is a McDonald's (I mean Mickey D's) executive who is set out to discover why their beef which was apart of a college chemical analysis experiment is showing fecal matter in the beef. One of the things that has driven me nuts since seeing the movie, is the line where the Mickey D's employee is taking statistical information on you every time you order. Now it's been 15 years since I've worked in Fast Food, and even at that it was a part-time job at Bojangles; but, we never did that.
The movie suggest when you go through the drive-thru or go up to the counter they actually have buttons on the cash register for the employee to hit based on your age, gender, race, etc. This all gets fed into a server that gets uploaded to corporate and gives the head honchos real-time demographic and statistics to sell even more fecal infested meat.
But it is a fictional movie, right?
I started to calm down until I overcame my 6 months of not eating fast food. When the kids finally dragged me out for a happy meal, I made a shocking discovery. Do you remember a few years ago when alot of the fast foods had those 2 way video cameras? You could see them and they could see you. It was supposed to make ordering through the drive-thru quicker and easier. Right? Now those are gone. Or are they? I've noticed alot of the new drive-thru's do have cameras still in them even though the video screens are gone, or even the whole unit has been replaced. Next time you go through the drive-thu, look closely and you'll see a little round hole with a camera in it at the "big" fast food chains. It's not marked, but their is clearly a optical lens which is viewable to those who are looking. It's so non-obvious though, most people probably will never know it's there or what it does. It appears big brother has firmly taken over your local fast food.
Is this okay to do, since no one really knows about it? Replace the company with your telephone company or cable company, the product for a phone, or TV and 1984 seems remarkably like 2007. The good news is now that you know this, you'll never pick your nose in the drive-thru again.