Run, do not walk, to see Pan's Labyrinth
by Sanjuro | Published on January 3rd, 2007, 1:11 pm | Arts
"Pan's Labyrinth"...Absolutely unbelievable. This movie will stay with you a very long time. It's everything a fairy tale was supposed to be. Scary, fun, whimsical, touching, beautiful, and bitter sweet. I don't know what I expected, but what I didn't expect was the breathtaking realism with which it was told.From frame one, you are pulled into the story and the lavish universe not to be let out.. no matter how much you may want to be. To say more would give too much away, best to go into this unprepared.
One of the best films of the year. The audience was silent and stunned at the end of the film.. it took a while for them to start milling about. That's saying a lot for New Yorkers!
Another terrific film I saw this weekend is "Children of Men".
Very, very high on my list for best picture as well. It leaves a few things about the world the film exists in unexplained, but that was part of the charm and really kept you focused. Set in a very near future that seems so strange but yet so very familiar at the same time. Not as exotic as something like Bladerunner, but certainly as Noir. Edge of your seat stuff...the whole way through.
All women become infertile. The world with no purpose is facing death and is in turmoil...but there is hope. Best to go into this one as well with blinders on... to do less would give too much away.
What a great year for film!