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Trekking "Into Darkness"

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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sat May 18, 2013 8:24 pm

Went out this afternoon to watch "Star Trek: Into Darkness" As I have come to expect, J. J. Abrams has made a top-notch film that I will HAVE to include in my Blu-Ray library when it becomes available.

I won't go into details of the film, but I will give my general impressions. First, I think that the way this franchise was re-booted was a huge plus for the production company, as it opened up the possibilities for telling new stories. Or, in the case of this particular film, telling new stories that allow the older stories to intrude in many tiny ways that evoke favored memories without distracting from the tale. The writers and producers here did EXCELLENT work in crafting this plot. Abrams and all of the actors gave performances that were totally THEIRS, and not affected copies of the "old school" performances.

My only question was... did they HAVE to have a frickin' TRIBBLE in the film?? :lol:

Not meant as a criticism. I thought it worked. But just one... I dunno how believable that was.

Still, I liked Benedict Cumerbatch as the villain. He was awesome. Kudos to ILM for ALL their great "money shot" work. I hope they keep these films coming, and that they can avoid the "even-odd" curse of the originals.
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Postby Liv » Sat May 18, 2013 8:46 pm

First ST reboot was meh, this was, I agree... was awesome. Story was good (though a few missed opportunities occurred IMHO). Overall very fun movie worthy of $30 at the box office.

Personally I thought the tribble was great... a bit campy, but the fact that the story centered around it, made it a bit epic.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sun May 19, 2013 12:06 am

Didn't care for the initial reboot? Huh! I can't think of more than one or two of the earlier series that matched it. MAYBE "First Contact..."
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Postby Liv » Sun May 19, 2013 4:08 pm

I'm always someone who has a hard time of letting go on reboots, tv or movies.

In addition I was always saddened they didn't make more movies with TNG crew, that was promised.

But... you know I love Abrams... and his work, but I felt ST was a bit of a patchwork in the wake of LOST and his other TV series.

It was bound to be a hit because of Treckies.... but there was nothing special about it, and in comparison to other movies of the time, I felt it lacked the appeal and novelty it should.

This one was more playful, and we all knew what we were getting into.... The sacrifice brought us back to Abrams ability to rip our hearts out, and the twist with Khan and the Tribble just made it more of an adventure.

One of the best parts though:

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