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PostPosted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:56 pm
by SouthernFriedInfidel
Two days ago -- TWO DAYS!! -- I got a video of snow falling outside the window where I work. Today, I went out to mow my yard for the first time, and nearly got KILLED by a f-ing queen WASP as I walked into my home. I pulled out my Raid (need to get a fresh supply) and waxed the mo-fo PDQ. Hate those bastards. Hate having to live with them.

If I ever won the lottery, my first move would be to move to a bloody condo and pay happily for monthly building upkeep. HATE HATE HATE!!!!!




Re: I Hateth SPRING

PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:19 pm
by Liv
Fully agree.

Home ownership is so over-rated these days.

Apparently I live in a freaking zoo. Every neighbor has an outdoor dog, one has a chicken, and the squirrels seem to be having an orgy this time of year.

Have you ever heard a squirrel f__k?

You just can't sleep through it.

My walls are paper thin, my trees are over-grown... I can't wait till I'm back in an apartment.

I'll take the noise of people f__king any day compared to this neighborhood.