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SCOTUS hearing arguments on gays

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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:59 pm

It was a pretty interesting day in Washington. The Supreme Court was hearing arguments over California's Prop 8. From what I heard on NPR this afternoon, the crowd outside was about as crazy as a lot of the stuff I've seen in on-line comment boards.

Tomorrow, they hear arguments on overturning DOMA. Bet they have as much fun with that.

Court watchers are expecting any ruling to be narrow... This court apparently isn't much interested in making any sweeping changes to the nation's marriage laws. My idea is that the government needs to be just OUT of the business of marriage anyway. Registered domestic partnerships is definitely the way to go for ALL governments. Leave "marriage" to religious groups.
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Postby Liv » Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:57 am

Completely agree, but a precedence has been set, and despite my personal prejudices, I see no legal way, other than a constitutional amendment, of preventing the equality of marriage.

If this is not a done deal, this country will lose all respect in the global arena of human rights. America will be seen as no better of a place than the witch-trial, or stonings of times gone by, and developing countries.

This sends a huge message, and I can see in no way that we won't win equal marriage rights.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:39 am

Part of the coverage that I heard on NPR sure disturbed me. They talked with this woman that was against same-sex marriage, and she said something to the effect of "These fags should have no rights... they're just filthy beasts." And of course she said it right in front of the people she was demeaning.

I try to treat everyone I encounter, especially if I meet them in person, with the same respect I would ask for myself. Here was a person looking at her fellow human beings and calling them "beasts." Sociologically, I understand the thought process that leads to that sort of cruelty and hatred. Personally, it hurts. Bloody people come from church where they read "Love thy neighbor," and scream hatred and disgust at the neighbors they were told to love... and they have not an INKLING of how much they hurt themselves or the churches they think of as "home."
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Postby Liv » Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:50 am

Oh I'm certain there will be kicking and screaming, but voices like that will fade to the fringe as the rest of us move on, and forward.

I'm sure it will get real ugly by the end of all of this, and we will see our friends and family for who they really are.

If you've got a facebook page, and wish to support the matter, this is going around:
http://mashable.com/2013/03/26/facebook ... -equality/
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