The highest rate of suicide in the country is in Wyoming -- and the vast majority of those suicides are committed with guns.
When I was a teenager, I liked to go skating at the local rink (in those days, out on Norwalk St, behind Crown Honda). One day, I was sitting in the game room, chatting with some friends, and someone told a joke... I LOL'ed. At which point some big burly high schooler in a local hockey league walked up and threatened to beat my head in with his stick -- because he assumed I had been laughing at him.
Do guns cause America's problems with violence? Would limiting access to certain weapon types do anything to slow down the mayhem? I don't think so.
America has far less of a gun problem, and far more of an anger problem. People get pissed off at the stupidest things, kill over complete nonsense... fly into absolute rages if they get caught behind someone driving 5 mph slower than they would like to go.
At times like this, in instances that we see far too often, we are a deeply unpleasant people. Will we ever calm the F down and get a little perspective? Can we cool down the demonization, the de-humanizing bullshit on radio and TV long enough to save our society from complete meltdown?
I sure hope so, cause I can't afford to move to any place better.