You know what I could go for? A nice juicy horse steak, but I can't find them anywhere.
My Belgian mom made me a horse a couple times, and I loved it. I'd also love to share it with my family, but despite it being legal, it's also taboo. A quick Google search yields me to zero online retailers willing to ship me some horse, which seems perplexing. Is there really that little of a market for horse?
A recently scandal in the U.K. found Tesco selling beef with up to 1/3 horse in it, and the country freaked out. Even more than the Subway foot-long scandal here (apparently they're only 11 inches). I have an old article on Nosh about how (when it was published) horse meat was typically found in parts of meats already sold in the U.S. This still could be the truth, and we do process a lot of it to be shipped to horse loving Belgians.
Anyone know a source for horse, PLEASE LMK, it's so delicious!