now, far be it from the likes of MOI to cheer on Christian condemnation of a TV show... but from what I saw of THIS particular series over the years, the kid is right. All the samples I've seen of it (I only watch one series at all times: The Daily Show), there's no part of it that is redeeming. Regardless of whether Charlie Sheen is playing the central character or anyone else, it's nothing but a long string of tasteless sex jokes, sometimes surrounded by a set of lines meant to convey a "story" -- and failing utterly.
So I never have watched the series, mostly because I thought it was worthless... NOT because it is "Satanic" in some way or other.
I reckon that CBS will be looking for ways to write this idiot out of the series, maybe get a replacement waif into the "story" somehow, the way they replaced Charlie Sheen with whatever piece of talking meat they could get on short notice. It's just Hollywood being Hollywood, I reckon...