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Black Diamond Line at Airports

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Postby Liv » Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:22 pm

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Something which apparently has been in place since 2008, that I wasn't even aware of is the Black Diamond Line at Airports. Often hidden or off to the side, it's meant to allow expert travelers speed through security and screening in record time. Awesome to know with my upcoming trip, though I'm not sure what airports have it, and there doesn't seem to be a list on the TSA website. Update: Despite claims that RDU has a diamond line, terminal 2 appears not to be utilizing it.

These Diamond Self-Select lines enable those familiar with 3-1-1, shoes off, and laptop open to breeze into the concourse bypassing the hysterics of cranky people as they perform circus acts.

What I wonder though is who, if the sign is readily placed, would say "I'm not an expert?" Especially if the line is much shorter. Perhaps that's the reason for hiding it. Some suggest airline status (such as an Elite member) should be the criterion for using that line, however those such as myself, who are familiar with the "code" would be forced to endure vomiting babies, and senior citizens crapping their pants, when my absence from that line would be beneficial to all.

I did find this map showing airports that have them.


In addition here are some additional confirmed cities:

For the time being it appears that the Diamond Lines at airports are for those in the know. Perhaps that's the point. Many people who don't know about them may assume it's a "special" line for privileged people, or require an additional fee. In fact when I first heard about it, I confused it with another TSA product which does cost money, but pre-screens you to bypass security all together. However, Diamond Lanes are free, and anyone can use them, you just have to know that they're there.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sat Jul 21, 2012 7:06 pm

As you say, when I have seen these lines (at Orlando), I have assumed that you have to have some special pass to use them, not just be readily familiar with TSA poking. Next time I'm there (this October), I'll be sure to try it out.

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Postby The Vicar » Sat Jul 21, 2012 7:44 pm

If it weren't for the open-ended nature of the bet, I'd be willing to put money on the idea that these lines will be used to enable some sort of terrorist/criminal/whatever behavior, and when it comes out everyone will be astonished that the black diamond lines didn't check for ____ which is part of the usual routine.
The Vicar

Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sat Jul 21, 2012 7:50 pm

My impression here is that the security checks aren't different in these lines, they only expect people with no expected security issues (like carry-ons filled with contraband items) to show up in them.
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Postby The Vicar » Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:08 pm

You'd expect that, but this is something run by the airlines -- which are experts at screwing up security -- and The Department of Homeland Security (a.k.a. Republican jobs program for the very stupid in exchange for future loyalty and votes). If there is a way to screw this idea up, they will provide it.

And don't forget that terrorists like flashy strikes at supposed "safe" points. (For which we should be grateful, incidentally. The U.S. will be a no-man's-land in about 3 days if terrorists ever get over their fascination with airports and big public buildings. Heck, if they even got over their fixation with attacking planes in flight and started bombing airports, there would be a terrible slaughter right away BECAUSE of the way the airlines and DHS handle security. All those lines of hundreds of people standing around...)
The Vicar

Postby Liv » Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:02 pm

I'm wondering, (was wondering,) if you're more likely to be racial profiled or "social" profiled in these lines. It used to be a rule (or an expectation) if you didn't fly coach that you were expected to be dressed in business wear. I realize that is an outmoded practice, and have no intention of wearing anything more than I normally wear when I fly in August.

They say that there is a TSA agent there to "guide" you into the correct line (Sort of defeats self selecting, eh?). I wonder if they'll try to force me into the casual line because I don't look like the typical business traveler. (Though I may look more like it than I think, I'm only doing carry-on, and spent way too much effort in buying luggage.)

So back to my second point. If you're Arab looking, carrying a McDonalds bag and get in the Diamond Line, I wonder if you'd not be more likely to be scrutinized?
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:42 am

I'll just say this about first class. I flew first class every other week for nearly a year while I was a contractor living in Mississippi. I ALWAYS wore jeans and tees for those trips. Never got anything like a sideways look from anyone that I noticed. People flying on day trips for meetings might wear suits, but other than that, there's no point.
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Postby Liv » Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:31 pm

So I went out to RDU yesterday and found they did NOT have diamond lines. At least in terminal 2. I went out to pick up some Euro coinage for my trip, and had a few minutes to spare while there to check out the security line. Threre's one line for all travelers and another for crew and handicap.

I'm not sure if the Diamond lane becomes available at high transit times (they add signage) or if they simply do not have it in terminal 2.

So this makes the concept kind of pointless if you're not going to use it everywhere.
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Postby A Person » Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:22 pm

Maybe they think it would be like HOV lanes for cars. Not understood and ignored
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Postby Liv » Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:25 pm

Don't know. I was rather disappointed to be honest.

Likely I'll get a second chance at Chicago though, unless I happen to land in the International wing.

Should be interesting to say the least.
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