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I KNEW it wasn't a good idea to visit Egypt

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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:56 pm

Apparently, ever since Mubarak was tossed aside in Egypt, tourists have been running a bit of a risk of getting kidnapped. And of course, the latest set to get taken were on a religious tour, riding a bus through Sinai toward Israel, probably marveling that they were traveling the imaginary paths that Israel used in their 40 years of God-controlled wanderings, until their bus was stopped and two of them and the tour guide were plucked from the happy caravan.

This one will be a slightly stickier wicket than the "usual" American kidnapping, since the Bedouins involved are demanding the release from prison of a family member accused of drug offenses. But hey... they wanted to see the holiest places on Earth. I guess they're re-thinking that, now that they're off-schedule.

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Postby A Person » Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:15 pm

The family is praying for the safety of their father and the other kidnap victims, he said.
"We are concerned, but we're Christians. We believe in God. We're resolved in our faith, we know that God is going to see him out of the situation," he said.

I guess God will see him out one way or another. If he's released then it was God rewarding their prayers, if he's killed then God wanted him in heaven and if he's imprisoned indefinitely, God is probably testing his faith - like Job

Prayers are always answered - with "Yes", "No", or "Later"
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Postby Liv » Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:51 pm

Egypt is a shady place.

Until that changes, Egypt is going to spiral down into the likes of Pakistan. They could save the whole country by making it tourist friendly, but that was never going to happen under Mubarak. However, Mubarak I doubt would let anything to get in the way of his western aid.

I can tell you, despite Cairo being the size of a huge city, people knew who we were. If nothing more than "those poor white college student girls", which is exactly the image we wanted to portray. We still had to be careful of scams, and dangerous situations, but it was a calculated risk, and manageable.

I'd still go back in an instant.

I would not going bearing a cross, a wwjd bracelet, and Jesus Christ world tour t-shirt.

The fact that they didn't know the dangers, just amazes me. We spent weeks practicing the appropriate responses to casual interrogative questioning one might use to make a judgement of us. We bought scarves, and appropriate clothing- though while still western, was modest, and respectful.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:03 pm

Obviously, these folks are either unaware or uncaring that properly stroked, tourists from around the world will drop TONS of dollars and/or Euros into the pockets of Egyptians all year round. Then again, one wonders whether Bedouins much care about tourist dollars if they figure to get riches via drug trade.
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Postby Liv » Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:24 pm

Egypt could be a westerner's paradise, but I've got the feeling that it's unlikely to happen.
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Postby A Person » Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:40 pm

Any bets on whether a muslim theocracy will demolish the pyramids?

I think there's a good chance (50/50 in the next 5 years)
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:38 pm

People can get really nutty when they fixate on the idea that they need to do certain things in order to curry God's favors to solve their problems. When the Muslim Brotherhood starts to notice that making Egypt more "Muslim" than it already is doesn't make life better, they WILL start looking for new ways to get God to solve their problems. And by "new" ways, I mean "ways they haven't dared try before now." But they'll be very ancient ways to make God happy: oppress females, execute anyone that crosses the God-ordained government in any way, expel all infidels, and (as AP thinks) destroy everything that isn't "Muslim."

And naturally, the world will stand aside, and wring its collective hands while all that goes on, worrying about "sovereignty" and telling itself that this is how democracies develop. I'm not looking forward to seeing this sort of thing go on, truth to tell. Never have.
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Postby Liv » Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:23 pm

My hopes are that they rebuild Egypt. Start by making the pyramids a National Park and get rid of the beggars and cons in the park.

The need to revitalize the river front.

When I was there, it was like, you could tell this used to be an awesome place, it used be a jetsetter's paradise. But it's like it's been abandoned, like one of those armagedden cities... I mean, people still live there, but absolutely no one has upgraded, fixed or replaced anything in 50 years.

If they can just get the tourism machine back in action, they'll be set.
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Postby A Person » Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:55 am

Muslim countries don't seem to be interested in tourism. Why would they encourage emissaries from the Great Satan to visit and corrupt their women and children?

There are plenty of antiquities in Persia, Punjab and Kashmir that I would love to visit, but I'm not welcome and the governments of Iran and Pakistan have no interest in attracting me.

So I'll go somewhere else where I'm welcome.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the pyramids are declared haraam and a blasphemy against Allah and that they should be destroyed

After all they've done it before

Mulla Mohammad Omar wrote:Only Allah, the Almighty, deserves to be worshipped, not anyone or anything else
Based on the verdict of the clergymen and the decision of the supreme court of the Islamic Emirate (Taliban) all the statues around Afghanistan must be destroyed
According to Islam, I don't worry about anything. My job is the implementation of Islamic order, the breaking of statues is an Islamic order and I have given this decision in the light of a fatwa of the ulema and the supreme court of Afghanistan. Islamic law is the only law acceptable to me.

Christians can hardly be too superior:

Exodus 20:4 wrote:Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth

It's just that Muslims actually believe and follow their scripture ...
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Postby Liv » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:04 am

If they do, I imagine that will be the end of their aid.
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Postby A Person » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:07 am

You are assuming they will act in rational self interest. Not a safe assumption when dealing with religious fanatics.

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Postby Liv » Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:13 am

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Postby A Person » Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:58 pm

Radical Islamists lay waste to Timbuktu heritage


(AP) DAKAR, Senegal - Muslim extremists continued destroying the heritage of the ancient Malian city of Timbuktu on Monday, razing tombs and attacking the gate of a 600-year-old mosque, despite growing international outcry.

The International Criminal Court has described the destruction of the city's patrimony as a possible war crime, while UNESCO's committee on world heritage was holding a special session this week to address the pillaging of the site, one of the few cultural sites in sub-Saharan Africa that is listed by the agency.

The Islamic faction, known as Ansar Dine, or "Protectors of the Faith," seized control of Timbuktu last week after ousting the Tuareg rebel faction that had invaded northern Mali alongside Ansar Dine's soldiers three months ago. Over the weekend, fighters screaming "Allah Akbar" descended on the cemeteries holding the remains of Timbuktu's Sufi saints, and systematically began destroying the six most famous tombs.

More ...

Destroying & smashing. It's a lot easier than building
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Postby Jamy » Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:19 pm

Well thank goodness my mom has gotten her Egypt trip done and over. The worst thing that happened to her when she was there was that she went to a terrible bathroom with no toilet (just a hole in the floor) and accidentally peed on her shoes.
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Postby Liv » Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:38 am

Ahhh a squatter... you know, I yet to experience that joy yet. Not only that, but I've yet to find a toilet with a bidet in Europe. Watch me get it all during my exchange.

I do remember a certain level of incontinence the moment I walked into the museum of antiquities. I learned to speak Arabic real quick.
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