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Our next vacation: Grove Park Inn

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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:50 pm

Thanks to the purchase several years ago of shares in the Disney Vacation Club, my wife and I are able to continue taking great vacations, even in the current tough times. The majority of the costs were paid while we had the money, and we pay the rest as manageable monthly maintenance fees. Pretty good arrangement, I think.

Case in point, in the coming days, we will be packing up to drive to Asheville, in order to stay a few nights at the Grove Park Inn. After all we've been through so far this rotten year, this will be a real treat. And the timing is going to be pretty nice as well, I think. I've never spent this much time hanging around the mountains while the fall colors are going on.

I'm looking forward to thus trip. I will try and post some photos here from our adventures. Hope we get some good ones...
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Postby Liv » Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:59 pm

Sounds like fun! I'd love to go somewhere, but my transmission just took a dump this morning.

You deserve it SFI! Enjoy!
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:17 pm

Made a reservation today for a comedy ghost tour. And we'll be looking into a train ride for autumn color watching in the Smoky Mountains. And quite a bit of relaxing on the porch as well. 8)
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Postby Liv » Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:31 pm

So jealous... but you deserve it!

Mom and dad just got back from a "cruise to nowhere" and brought back some quite interesting maple Canadian cookies.

I hate this time of year, with Octoberfest going on... and me severely grounded...

What I wouldn't give for one weekend away at this point... Here's to hoping for winning the lotto.

Though, sad thing is, I still couldn't go anywhere till December.
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Postby A Person » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:12 am

I just took a long weekend kayaking around Read Island. It was cool and damp, but the scenery was amazing - and there were Manila clams and oysters on the beach and a friendly fisherman gave us a bucket of live shrimp



Mmmm manila clams
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:13 am

Had a rather sad sort of conversation with a co-worker yesterday. I told her that I was on vacation next week, and she said that she hadn't been on a vacation in something like 10 years. It seems her husband runs an electrician business, and he's a work-aholic. So he refuses to take time off if there's money to be made.

What a sad life... doing nothing but making money for 10 years. And what for? To be able to afford a Hummer? What good is having that much money if you can't take a little time off to relax and enjoy life without the pressure of work?

I know a fair number of people who prefer work to any other activity. It's creeps like that who NEVER retire until they die, and refuse to free up job openings for younger people who could do the jobs they do just as well. In the corporate world, they are eventually forced to retire... and then they lead sad lives at loose ends, not having the first CLUE what to do with their forced leisure time.

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Postby Liv » Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:28 pm

That was us before London 08 (The first time)...

We hadn't really truly vacation in about 10 years. Some of it was we just didn't have the ability to either, but I can say that vacation was very beneficial for us beyond the face-value of it.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:04 pm

Sigh... Went today to visit the Thomas Wolfe Memorial. Not a fun place for a failed writer. The very idea that he found an editor who was willing to wade through literally millions of words that he wrote to sift out the actual books that ended up getting published just flabbergasts me. And to think that they did that before any hint of word processing technology was available. Contrast that with today when writers have to try to get editors' attentions via writers conference "speed dating" sessions and "deathless prose" query letters... It makes a failure weep.

But what I REALLY don't get is the relationship between Wolfe and Asheville. Everything I heard about his quasi-autobiographical books shouted hatred of the place. He never spent more than a couple of days there at a time after he left to get a college education. But Asheville made him famous and wealthy. And he made Asheville famous for a while. So they love the guy that hated the place... Makes you wonder.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:39 pm

Went out on the Blue Ridge Parkway before driving home today. Lovely fall colors in the sunshine following the passage of a cold front. Up on the top of the mountains, at the higher elevations, fall is already OVER, folks. Not a leaf to be seen, green or colored.

The Inn itself was awesome, but there was one item that irked me: they decided to become "pet friendly" and allow guests to bring in their dog (up to 60 lbs) or cat with them. Kind of irritating to see AND hear the tiny dogs yipping and panting all over the place. Not really conducive to relaxation.

Other than that... the room we stayed in was in the historic section. We got to our floor via an elevator operated by an actual elevator operator. One guy appeared to have memorized every guest and only had to be told what floor was wanted once. He was freaking spooky. The rest of the operators were very cool. The only staff that we really interacted with were the bell staff, and they were extremely friendly and helpful.

Our room was a cheaper "property view" room, but the view out the window was stunning.


Can't go back anytime soon unless I win the lottery or I actually sell a book. But it was a terrific week, and I'm really glad we got to go.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:43 pm

Oh, by the way... Wednesday night, we went on this comedy ghost tour. I gotta say... it was a BLAST! If you're ever spending the night in the Asheville area, look up LaZoom. They are great, and in the midst of the fun, they sprinkle some cool local facts. Definitely worth the cost, if you enjoy fun stuff.
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Postby Nfidel » Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:45 am

SouthernFriedInfidel wrote:Oh, by the way... Wednesday night, we went on this comedy ghost tour. I gotta say... it was a BLAST! If you're ever spending the night in the Asheville area, look up LaZoom. They are great, and in the midst of the fun, they sprinkle some cool local facts. Definitely worth the cost, if you enjoy fun stuff.

I'll try that sometime. Nice photo. I'm glad you had a good time.
My son goes to school there and from what I've seen it's a really nice town. It's definitely beautiful. The architecture downtown is an interesting eclectic mix of styles.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:54 am

Oh it's definitely my kind of town. Loads of hippies and tree-huggers all over the place. We went down to the riverside art district, and had lunch at 12 Bones. That place was amazing. It looked like a total dump, but the food was great, and the place was packed with locals, tourists (besides my wife and me), business execs... a "melting pot" in miniature.
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Postby Liv » Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:47 pm

Well you know the old saying, you move to NC hoping to live at the ocean or in the mountains, but you end up stuck in between.
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