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The Big Apple and its recession special

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Postby Liv » Tue May 24, 2011 8:22 pm

Well I'm sitting here in the Admirals' Club at JFK after a delayed 6am flight from RDU, and a day in Manhattan. I'm exausted, but the fact we got a shower, some tea, and get to relax in a private club is making all the different. No I'm not looking forward to spending nine hours on a transatlantic flight practically making love to my seat mate whom I never met before, but it's the price you pay when you fly during the summer and want to get the hell out of Dodge. Speaking of, it's been about 15 years since I've been to the big apple and much has changed. We practically (and unexpectedly) almost broke into tears at Ground Zero, a place where once the World Trade Center buildings 1 and 2 used to stand... where I once stood atop of, but they were there no more. In fact, I had promised to take Shannon to NY about 10 years ago, as a Christmas gift but our lives unexpectedly changed and we never made our flight out, one which likely would have been around the date of 9/11.

Flat Ren and Flat Chance (our kids) going on the trip with us!

We got a Gray's Papaya hot-dog, and wow have I forgotten how NY hot dogs tastes. They were amazing. Of course we got the "recession special". Though it strikes me odd the symbol of capitalism, destroyed by terrorists... there were still con men outside selling $15 pictures of the WTC site. Capitalism is still God here.... and Osama, barely even put a dent in it it seems.

empire state building.jpg

We rode the NY metro everywhere. Had lots of fun today. Tomorrow will be something new, somewhere new. As I've said before, I'd find a way to get back to Oz... and tonight I go.... but it does get better. I guarantee you don't want to miss the next week of travels, though I can't be certain as to any schedule I might keep blogging. (I have no computer with me.)

grays papaya.jpg

Be assured, it's going to be fun.


The one thing I can take away from today is NY is America. It's blood, sweat and tears. It's a hard working city, and if there was ever a city to be proud of in America, it's here. It's not pretty, hell the Metro makes no damn sense- it's hot, it's muggy... but at the end of the day when I stare out of these huge windows at JFK looking at a row of 777s, I can say with all honesty it's defintely America. It's just too bad the rest of the country isn't more like the Big Apple.
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Postby thesumofyourfears » Thu May 26, 2011 10:39 am

For someone who poor mouth's all the time, you sure have a lot of disposable income to travel. Typical liberal hypocrite...whine and cry about how much I don't have, demand gubmint to pay for my needs, then lollygag around.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Thu May 26, 2011 9:40 pm

I saw a hot dog place on 8th Ave. in mid-town with a "recession special." In 2002. Some things never change, do they?
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Postby Liv » Fri May 27, 2011 9:26 pm

Sure summy... ever hear of an award ticket? For the record tonight I'm sleeping in a hostel that cost $85 for 4 days
.. yeah I'm. Your typical liberal.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sat May 28, 2011 2:17 am

I guess in Summy's world, "liberal visiting New York" must mean "liberal flying first class to New York and staying at the Ritz."

What a maroon.... :roll:
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Postby Liv » Sat May 28, 2011 4:12 am

Coach all the way.... I've flown about 10000 miles in the last week in cramped coach seats and no a/c one plane.
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Postby thesumofyourfears » Sun May 29, 2011 12:12 am

Liv wrote:Sure summy... ever hear of an award ticket? For the record tonight I'm sleeping in a hostel that cost $85 for 4 days
.. yeah I'm. Your typical liberal.

Awards ticket? As in frequent flyers miles, etc.? Then yes. You post a lot a travel here, so, unless it its some kind of travel points then yes; and award ticket as in winning in a contest, then a big fat no. If you win that much in contests, then the contest is rigged in your favour, kinda like Democrat party voting machines. 85$ or $850 a night..is not the point. Do the math...motel, meals, tips, taxi, commuter train fares, shopping on 5th Ave, or whatever you use, you can burn many C notes quick..maybe some M notes.The point is having disposable income to do this, then, your other forked tongue demands taxpayers to pay for your healthcare and God knows what else...hypocrisy to the Nth degree.

Similar hypocrisy is found here in this example...stay tuned...there is more.
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Postby A Person » Sun May 29, 2011 1:41 am

Summy falls for a Moonbat photoshop. Quelle surprise.

Summy's idea of 'limited government' seems to involve him personally approving other people's expenses. He seems to be jealous of your spending priorities and feels that people on foos stamps should ony be allowed to buy gruel.


Summy, a great many tax payers understand that single payer health care funded by taxes saves everyone money and has better health outcomes. The high healthcare 'taxes' paid to insurance companies in the US by employers and employees are a drag on the economy and discourage entrepreneurs from starting companies. People stay in jobs because they can't get healthcare for prior conditions and can't afford the risk.

Shannon and Liv pay taxes and they don't expect you to contribute any of your pitiful income to their healthcare - they just feel that the taxes they do pay would be better directed into healthcare and education than into high explosives to demolish and rebuild Iraq. And as far as I'm concerned you can spend your food stamps on anything you like

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If you want to buy less higher quality food rather than lots of cheap cat food then that's your decision and of no concern to the rabid racists of moonbattery (even though that moonbatty receipt is photoshopped)
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Postby Liv » Sun May 29, 2011 6:08 am

Considering where in the world I'm writing this from and the fact I'm seeing the results of a government which took it's peoples money but never cared for the people... makes summys comments that more ironic.

I have never shopped On 5th ave.

In fact the most expensive meal I had was mash and sausage out with friends... which I paid for since we didn't stay at a hotel but at their place: cost 85 euro for 5 people. Yesterday our meals consisted of free breakfast from the hotel and crisps and water for dinner:
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Postby thesumofyourfears » Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:39 pm

Liv wrote:Considering where in the world I'm writing this from and the fact I'm seeing the results of a government which took it's peoples money but never cared for the people... makes summys comments that more ironic.

I have never shopped On 5th ave.

In fact the most expensive meal I had was mash and sausage out with friends... which I paid for since we didn't stay at a hotel but at their place: cost 85 euro for 5 people. Yesterday our meals consisted of free breakfast from the hotel and crisps and water for dinner:

You and all the other leftists cohorts dodge and deflect my whole point; or your backward logic cannot figure it out. I really don't care what you do or how much you spend on travel and what not; have at it. But, don't poor-mouth about your financial troubles and then let your other forked tongue demand gubmint to pay for your healthcare, food, housing, etc. while you take travel excursions that the average joe and mary with 2 kids cannot do.
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Postby Liv » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:15 pm

Get some perspective Summy and your opinion will change.
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Postby A Person » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:04 pm

At the risk of taking the clown seriously

thesumofyourfears wrote: I really don't care what you do or how much you spend on travel and what not; have at it

No? Then why bring it up?

thesumofyourfears wrote:your other forked tongue demand gubmint to pay for your healthcare, food, housing, etc

No one here has demanded government pay for their food and housing. However heath care insurance is not an option - it's a necessity. You have a choice, you can pay $10,000 to a private insurer or $5,000 to the government. Government insured/run health care systems in every country around the world, cost half the cost of US heath industry - and with better outcomes. That's not demanding a hand out, it's just common sense.

We could eliminate the military, FBI and State police forces and rely instead on private security companies - do you 'demand gubmint to pay for your security'? Or is that something you expect government to do?

thesumofyourfears wrote:while you take travel excursions that the average joe and mary with 2 kids cannot do

The average Joe and Mary could, they choose not to. Liv and Shannon value travel experiences more than a large house or a new car. Which gets us back to your first statement. Why is it of any concern of yours how they choose to spend their money?

No one here cares what you do with your money. Blow it on whatever turns you on

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Postby Liv » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:27 pm

I'd love to hear Summy's total for his/hers last vacation. I flew to Belgium for free because of miles which were earned from normal expenses, like gas and etc. There we stayed at our friends for free. We ate 1 euro waffles and frites. Our tickets home and to Cairo cost $600 where we stayed for $85 at a hostel for 4 nights that provide free breakfast... (an egg and a piece of bread). Our meals the first few nights was candy given to us by our friends in Belgium and a pack of cheese we bought in the airport. By the end of it we ate at a couple fast foods, one which has Lady's hour at 50% off and some street vendors that cost approx 12 EP, or $2 USD.

Ground transportation was by metro or bus in NY and Brussels, and offered free from the hostel in Cairo for pickup. We paid $50 EP + $10 EP tip for our return fare which is about $10 USD.

I also had a priceless time of my life, and a excellent talking point for future college apps and resumes. Who would capitalist america business owners hire if you and I had the same skills, but I had been abroad? I would imaging travelling during a revolution period in a Muslim country might earn me a bit of respect even in your conservative mind. Perhaps not...
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Postby A Person » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:40 pm

Probably not. Why would a Real 'Merkin want to travel to furrin' places - unless they're in the army and plan on killing the natives.
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Postby A Person » Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:08 am

A Person wrote:Summy falls for a Moonbat photoshop. Quelle surprise.

Summy's idea of 'limited government' seems to involve him personally approving other people's expenses. He seems to be jealous of your spending priorities and feels that people on food stamps should ony be allowed to buy gruel.

I owe an apology, the receipt was not a Photoshop,

The receipt was genuine and the purchaser has been charged with felony food stamp trafficking. Not for buying the expensive food but for selling it. He apparently used his Bridge Card (food stamps) to purchase the food in order to sell it to get cash. That is illegal and morally repugnant and so he stands to get all his meals, accommodation and health care paid for for the next five years.

Cuff, who allegedly used a Bridge Card to buy the stuff and then sold it for 50 cents on the dollar, faces up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. He is free on a $5,000 bond. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 15.
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Postby SouthernFriedInfidel » Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:32 am

Interesting story. So you know, I always thought that food stamps were better regulated than that. Or maybe it's WIC that limits what can be purchased to a set list of items... Either way, it's hardly surprising that Summy would use that image in an attempt to show that people on food stamps typically use them to buy frivolous items. His goal in life is only to score points, not to find truth.
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Postby A Person » Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:27 pm

The regulations are pretty strict and seem to be enforced seriously. This cheat is facing a large fine and/or jail time.

However Summy's point (as much as he ever has one) seemed to be that food stamp programs should restrict the cuts of meat and selection of seafood to only poor-folk food. I wonder where he would draw the line? Strip loin? Flank? Salmon? Crawfish? Or should poor folk only be allowed brisket and chum? Is buying 4 oz of tenderloin more heinous than 2lb of hamburger? Are "Angus Burgers' permitted or only Mooburger?

This requires serious study. Small Guvmint should convene a working study and employ investigators to make sure poor folk only buy the cheapest food.
Sirloin! Poor folk are only allowed beef shin. Bring the comfy chair!
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