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Four Loko Tastes Like Nyquil Cough Syrup ....Mmmm...

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Postby Jamy » Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:27 pm


Okay, I heard about Four Loko on NPR and how it's the latest rage with young people of the high school and college persuasion. I heard how one can of it is equal to like four beers and I don't know how many cups of coffee. I heard it has been the cause of many cases of alcohol poisoning resulting in much stomach pumping and parents are very upset. I understand stores are no longer allowed to sell it, but they are allowed to sell whatever stock is left, so just for the heck of it, I bought a can (A can) just to see what all the fuss is about.

First off, let's talk about these cans. They're huge and festively decorated. I bought the cranberry lemonade flavor and it's brightly colored yellow, red, and orange. I heard that it looks like a soft drink and I guess at a glance it does, but it does say "12% alcohol" very clearly on the can. On NPR someone was complaining that a parent might see it and not even realize it was booze....they'd have to be really not paying attention if that was the case.

Then I popped the top and had to admit, it smelled very yummy....made my mouth water. I poured some into a glass and it looked and smelled, for all the world like strawberry soda. My guess was that it was going to probably taste something like Boone's Farm Tickled Pink. I was wrong. It tasted like nyquil....or if memory serves me correctly from my foolish youth, Richard's Wild Irish Rose. My husband also participated in the experiment, but after one sip, he was done. I am made of sturdier stuff and almost finished my glass. I can't imagine drinking an entire can of this swill. I dumped out the rest of the can down the sink.

And now....if you'll excuse me, I need to go brush my teeth. :lol:
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Postby A Person » Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:48 pm

Jamy wrote:On NPR someone was complaining that a parent might see it and not even realize it was booze....they'd have to be really not paying attention if that was the case.

Several years ago when my boys were 8 and 9 I took them for skiing lessons. Afterwards we went to the food hall for snacks and a drink. I saw some bottles of fruit juice cocktail and bought them one each, while I had a coffee.

It was expensive - but ski hills often are. Anyway while we were eating french fries and drinking I picked up the bottle and read it. 'Fruit Juice Cocktail" and in small print "8% alcohol" By that time the boys had guzzled most of it down - they really liked it - so I let them finish. They dropped asleep the moment they were in the car seats and didn't wake up until morning. So while I wasn't paying much attention, it's easy to miss.

This is clearly targeted at children and the label should be more obvious.
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Postby Liv » Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:01 pm

If only you could get this stuff with ephedra in it... then we could get drunk, stay awake, and lose weight... it's like Hollywood's perfect drink.
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Postby Jamy » Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:10 am

A Person wrote: By that time the boys had guzzled most of it down - they really liked it - so I let them finish. They dropped asleep the moment they were in the car seats and didn't wake up until morning.

I probably should not have laughed at that. :lol:

You're right though...it's totally aimed at young people. Fortunately, once this product sells out, the stores can't replace it.
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Postby Jamy » Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:11 am

Liv wrote:If only you could get this stuff with ephedra in it... then we could get drunk, stay awake, and lose weight... it's like Hollywood's perfect drink.

You'd have to scald the taste buds off your tongue first though.
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Postby A Person » Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:14 am

There's just no way you could drink it and lose weight - One can contains 660 calories per 12 oz can - which compares to 160 for a quality beer.

You could drink 4 beers for each can of caffeinated syrup
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Postby A Person » Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:51 am

Jamy wrote:I probably should not have laughed at that. :lol:

I think the dangers of alcohol and small children is over-stated. You have to allow for their small body mass - so that alcoholic fruit drink was like me having four beers. It isn't going to do any harm.

Gripe water - a long standing staple of the nanny was routinely given to babies and contained alcohol with bicarbonate, ginger, fennel, chamomile and sugar. It worked very well to sooth an upset stomach and get a cholicy baby to sleep.

Apparently it was the sugar that had the most effect on soothing the stomach, but I can't help but think the alcohol helped with sleeping.

There are many positive health effects of alcohol that get ignored over the admittedly very bad effects of over-indulgence
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Postby Jamy » Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:21 am

I agree. I know an old remedy for teething is to rub whiskey on the baby's gums. Probably doesn't really make the gums hurt any less, but just gives the baby a nice light buzz so he can sleep better.

Speaking of fussy baby remedies...when I was a kid, parents still gave paregoric to fussy babies and toddlers. That stuff is opium-based!
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Postby Liv » Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:20 pm

A Person wrote:There are many positive health effects of alcohol that get ignored over the admittedly very bad effects of over-indulgence

Like the slowed growth of brain cells?
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Postby Jamy » Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:59 pm

So how on earth did I become a "staff writer" anyway?
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Postby Liv » Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:00 pm

Jamy wrote:So how on earth did I become a "staff writer" anyway?

Everyone is a staff writer... That's the beauty of it.
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Postby A Person » Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:59 am

Liv wrote:Like the slowed growth of brain cells?

I'm not aware of any risks to brain cells with moderate alcohol consumption - excluding driving into a tree that is.
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Postby Liv » Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:46 pm

We were taught in Psychology this last semester that every time your drink alcohol, brain cells die. He's a rather trust worthy professor so I didn't question it.... then I was reading in the 'Book of general ignorance' that brain cells "grow slower". I'll see if I can find the notation in question.
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Postby Jamy » Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:11 am

Liv wrote: then I was reading in the 'Book of general ignorance' that brain cells "grow slower". I'll see if I can find the notation in question.

Ut oh....then I'm in big trouble thanks to my college years. :( LOL
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Postby A Person » Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:23 am

The 'brain cells die when you drink" is folk lore - and wrong (unless you're talking about chronic alcoholism). It was a standing joke when I was at college

"I'll just drink enough to pass as a Welshman*"

* Or the ethnicity of your choice

I'm prepared to bet the 'brain cells grow more slowly is a variation of the myth too. There are serious effects from alcoholism but my 'research' (i.e. literature survey) suggests that that threshold is a lot higher than I choose to drink. Drinking around three or four standard drinks seems to be beneficial to your health.
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Postby Liv » Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:16 am

Bought a 6-pack of it tonight.

Yup, tastes like cough syrup... but I can like it.

Goes great with tacos.
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Postby A Person » Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:53 pm

Jeez Liv

Ever wondered why you might be overweight?
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Postby Liv » Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:21 pm

Callous are we?

I unlike many know why I'm fat. I eat to much, exercise to little.

Why one Four Loko would inspire your inquisition is a bit curious.
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Postby A Person » Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:54 am

Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition.

One can of Four Loko contains around 700 calories i.e. a third of your daily intake. It's like eating a half box of sugar cubes,


So knowing the problem - consuming too many calories and not burning them off - why on earth would you do that to yourself. Unless it's something you really enjoy? I can understand it if it's something you love - I've just had two dozen oysters - a binge certainly, and more than half my daily calorie budget, but I love oysters and that's about all I've had today - that's my ration. I can't imagine spending that many calories on something that tastes of Nyquil.

Oh and you bought a six pack. I'm betting that you won't feed them to the kids or throw them away so either you or Shannon will end up consuming the equivalent of two and a half boxes of sugar cubes.

Wouldn't you rather bank the calories and use them to have a nice Belgium waffle instead?
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Postby Liv » Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:50 pm

For the record, I drank just one, and they come in a 6 pack. (at least at our store the do.)

No worries, I did about 5 miles around White Chapel the other day, and I'm on the Belgian diet now....

The pounds should just melt off, right?
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