Your Political Loyalty Determined by what TV shows you watch
by Liv | Published on November 11th, 2010, 10:09 am | Arts
According to months of data from leading media-research company Experian Simmons, viewers who vote Republican and identify themselves as conservative are more likely than Democrats to love the biggest hits on TV. cite
You might say I have Republican political beliefs because I watch the Amazing Race (which strikes me odd to be associated with mostly Republican television viewers), but you'd be wrong. Yes, I do watch Keith Olbermann one of the most popular Democrat television shows, as well as Dexter, but I don't necessarily watch any of the other shows on the list that's supposed to predict your political affiliation. So for grins and giggle, I'll post my line up....
- Shows I watch: (that conservatives shouldn't)
Amazing Race
The Event
What's yours?