Splice.... Very deep.
by Liv | Published on October 22nd, 2010, 8:37 am | Arts
Splice is a 2009 Canadian-French science fiction-horror film directed by Vincenzo Natali and starring Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley, who portray a young scientist couple, choosing to introduce human DNA into their work of splicing animal genes.
Watched Splice.... great flick for deep thinkers.
a) Suggests God is dead, because his creation rose up and killed him and that we (humans) will become Gods by creating new life, and then because its more evolved it will (likely) Darwin our asses.
b) Sex with a cross-gender-morphic human animal hybrid is like having sex with yourself if you use your own DNA to sequence the being.
c) Loved the whole "away in a manger" theme.
d) Knowing human curiosity, I felt the scientists willingness to create the hybrid-child seemed very real. If we are to assume such similar individuals probably do exist in reality, we must also assume similar possibly successful genetically modified humans, even animal human hybrids have been produced and therefore its only an amount of time till the human race is doomed.