So first I had to accept I liked Steven's writing under Davies ('Blink' being an absolute favorite) while at the same time realize every first season of a head-writer takes some time for things to "connect" so to speak. (Which is true with any new job.) But, I remember the day we viewed episode one of Steven Moffat's Doctor Who and I felt for an opening act, of a seasoned writer for the same series, I was deeply disappointed. There I was sitting in Bristol at Smiler's living room and I can remember all of us coming to the agreement it didn't fulfill our expectations. It didn't have the pizzazz of Davies. Then again Davie's episode one didn't have moxie either.
It wasn't the characters either. I think they did a spot on job re-casting the Doctor and the companion. I think everything about the show was spot on, but the writing- frankly, stunk. Something was missing, something wasn't there, and I knew exactly what it was. It was the emotion. Davies was good at ripping your heart out, stomping on it, and then giving you a hug and telling you it was "alright". The first few episodes of Steven Moffat's Doctor Who seemed more like a vague mono-tone children's program with a lack of coherency. Maybe Moffat knew he was guaranteed a entire season, and gambled that fans would be loyal enough till the end. Put all his effort in the larger plot curve than the individual episode? What bothers me is why? If it wasn't by choice, then why did it go so wrong? Certainly with Steven Moffat being such the fan, he was must have been dreaming about what he'd write for ages, and this after a lifetime of Doctor Who fantasizing came up with a snake in an extra room? Amy practically forgives him for a lifetime of suffering? Screw that! If we want to see a "faulty" Doctor as they've tried to portray Matt Smith's character this season, then we should have seen Amy's life really screwed up. A prostitute, with one leg and a genital disease. They call him a "Doctor"- let's see him fix that?
Fast forward to the end of the season... because despite the fact it is Doctor Who and we're going to watch it no matter what, I was deeply disappointed at his hallmark episode that included the return of the weeping angels. It never recaptured the scariness of the original in my opinion. Now the only episode I really was really enthralled at was the first part of the closing act. Locking the Doctor away in a prison cell. Brilliant. Killing Amy. Wow. You go Moffat! Now if only this would have been the series premier! This is what I'm talking about! I'm reminded about what Davies said one time in an interview (paraphrasing) : "It's called drama. The keyword in the word dramatic. As writers we're supposed to spark emotion, rip your heart out". YES! A year ago when I wrote a screenplay I knew I had succeeded it writing something good when the people who read it were crying at the end. Good TV should screw with your mind. I think Steven Moffat has finally done that.
We shall see. We've yet to view the final episode which we will air tonight on the Pirate channel. It's just sad that it's taking this long to get so good, and now we've got to wait an entire year to see if Steven's brilliance continues. I feel a bit cheated, but none the less, as fans we will wait patiently in the night till that blue police box returns to light up the sky.