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Steven Moffat's Doctor Who

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Postby Liv » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:49 pm


I've been wanting to voice my opinion on the "new" Doctor Who for sometime, but it seemed a bit preemptive to judge the series until it reached the end. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the topic, Doctor Who is a British made science fiction show which recently changed its upper production and writing staff. Formerly it was written by Russell T. Davies, whom most Americans would know as the writer of the show Queer as Folk. When the show changed hands it was given to Steven Moffat, a former writer under Davies who seemed to inherit the show for his fandom of the franchise. Americans might recognize the name next year when Spielberg's version of the Belgian Tin-Tin makes it into movie theaters. (That's a whole another story in itself.)

So first I had to accept I liked Steven's writing under Davies ('Blink' being an absolute favorite) while at the same time realize every first season of a head-writer takes some time for things to "connect" so to speak. (Which is true with any new job.) But, I remember the day we viewed episode one of Steven Moffat's Doctor Who and I felt for an opening act, of a seasoned writer for the same series, I was deeply disappointed. There I was sitting in Bristol at Smiler's living room and I can remember all of us coming to the agreement it didn't fulfill our expectations. It didn't have the pizzazz of Davies. Then again Davie's episode one didn't have moxie either.

It wasn't the characters either. I think they did a spot on job re-casting the Doctor and the companion. I think everything about the show was spot on, but the writing- frankly, stunk. Something was missing, something wasn't there, and I knew exactly what it was. It was the emotion. Davies was good at ripping your heart out, stomping on it, and then giving you a hug and telling you it was "alright". The first few episodes of Steven Moffat's Doctor Who seemed more like a vague mono-tone children's program with a lack of coherency. Maybe Moffat knew he was guaranteed a entire season, and gambled that fans would be loyal enough till the end. Put all his effort in the larger plot curve than the individual episode? What bothers me is why? If it wasn't by choice, then why did it go so wrong? Certainly with Steven Moffat being such the fan, he was must have been dreaming about what he'd write for ages, and this after a lifetime of Doctor Who fantasizing came up with a snake in an extra room? Amy practically forgives him for a lifetime of suffering? Screw that! If we want to see a "faulty" Doctor as they've tried to portray Matt Smith's character this season, then we should have seen Amy's life really screwed up. A prostitute, with one leg and a genital disease. They call him a "Doctor"- let's see him fix that?


Fast forward to the end of the season... because despite the fact it is Doctor Who and we're going to watch it no matter what, I was deeply disappointed at his hallmark episode that included the return of the weeping angels. It never recaptured the scariness of the original in my opinion. Now the only episode I really was really enthralled at was the first part of the closing act. Locking the Doctor away in a prison cell. Brilliant. Killing Amy. Wow. You go Moffat! Now if only this would have been the series premier! This is what I'm talking about! I'm reminded about what Davies said one time in an interview (paraphrasing) : "It's called drama. The keyword in the word dramatic. As writers we're supposed to spark emotion, rip your heart out". YES! A year ago when I wrote a screenplay I knew I had succeeded it writing something good when the people who read it were crying at the end. Good TV should screw with your mind. I think Steven Moffat has finally done that.

We shall see. We've yet to view the final episode which we will air tonight on the Pirate channel. It's just sad that it's taking this long to get so good, and now we've got to wait an entire year to see if Steven's brilliance continues. I feel a bit cheated, but none the less, as fans we will wait patiently in the night till that blue police box returns to light up the sky.
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Postby Sanjuro » Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:10 pm

Well I've seen it all and think this is the best written and most consistent Who season yet. The end is fantastic and will make you look at past episodes with a different eye. :)

Aliens are less hokey, the characters better written, and best of all no cheap "saved at the last minute by the magic until now unseen genie" cheap writing bullshit. Moffat can actually write himself out of the corner he writes himself into unlike his predecessor.

Took me a bit to get into Matt Smith's portrayal of The Doctor, but now that I 'get it', I am really liking it. Going back and watching the first episode late in the series helps you appreciate it more.
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Postby Sanjuro » Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:27 pm

Oh, and Amy is heads and shoulders above Rose as far as companions go. Rose is one character I will be very happy to never see again. It seems Davies was a bit hung up on her and I'm glad she's gone.

Amy is awesome. Great, great choice. And finally... a companion wears mini skirts again :D I even like Roury! :)

You say that Davies was a good writer, but I completely disagree. He was good at ideas, but piss poor in execution and resolution.
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Postby Liv » Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:30 pm

Well we finished the final episode last night. It was good, it tied up loose ends and kept me guessing which is a pretty good accomplishment. Not quite as strong as the first half, but enjoyed the sleight of hand and the "fairy tale" ending. Comparing Davies first season to Moffat's I'd say Moffat's season is break even. Davies first season definitely didn't seem to have the larger story arc format down quite yet, but Eccleston and Piper seemed to be better adapted to making those scripts work. There definitely was a chemistry there if not in the off screen relationships (we know that now) but in their raw talent as actors. That said...

Amy Pond Versus Rose Tyler? Seriously. Amy Pond? I like her. She's hot, sexy, and a smart-ass. Definitely cool.... but at this point... she's no Rose Tyler. If I were to get all rationale behind it I'd say it's because of the "tainted love" relationship.... which clearly isn't the current direction of the series. One could really question Steven's personal life based on his writing. Then again perhaps it's the Scotsman in him showing through? Perhaps I'm judging from a female perspective? I want to see a love story beyond Amy and "Mr Pond" getting married... Who knows where the show will go in the future... but I'm guessing at least the "female" viewers would agree and are feeling a bit left out of this current season.

As far as Davies writing goes, I've watched a lot of his stuff... and a lot of Moffat's stuff too. Besides the obvious, Torchwood & Doctor Who, some of his shows/movies are my favorite of all time: Bob & Rose was just heartwarming, and 'The Second Coming' speaks volumes to his ability to mix reality with the irrational. I think I as do a lot of people understand his unique perspective because he tends to voice through his writing things most people are too uncomfortable, or don't have the perspective on. It give his work a broader voice. As for Moffat, everyone knows that one of my favorite DW episodes was the 'Weeping Angels' episode. I'm a fan of 'Coupling' and no one can argue Moffat's the master of dry glib one liners humor. In the end I think what's missing is risk. I get Moffat's perspective. He's a family man, he has kids, and often talks about their perspective on his stories. Clearly he's writing from a father's perspective, which seems to be cautioned, and careful... something Davies didn't have to adhere to because of Julie Gardner. Whether it's from his own parental expectations of wholesome television, or BBC Wales new top guns, the key phrase to describe the new show is: censored. Do I think Moffat is capable of more? Yes... Will we see it? Your guess is as good as mine.
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Postby shannon » Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:47 pm

I liked this season. I think this is just a different version of the doctor than we are accustomed to. I get the dynamic between the characters. The reason Liv is missing the romance is because this companion is not meant to be the Doctor's romance. River was meant to take that space this time. I totally get it. Rose was the Doctor's true love, Martha was the sidekick, Donna was the best mate and Amy is the little sister. She's the girl next door. Perhaps Moffat see himself as the Doctor and Amy as his daughter. But I do see more of a big brother little sister thing going on here. He is her protector. Little girls often get unspoken crushes on the big brother type. Though I am more drawn to the over the top dramatic style of Davies I believe Moffat's Doctor who is more of an authentic homage to the original Doctor Who series. While Davies brought together a new generation of die hard fans, Moffat has pleased many bringing it back old school.
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Postby Liv » Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:52 am

I don't care what it is. Any writer who doesn't write a portion of themselves into the characters has to be self-loathing- so I'm certain he has. That said, it's not what I want to see. I don't want Moffat to portray his ownself as father-figure through the Doctor or Amy to be a metaphor for his daughter. I want to see the Doctor be the Moffat he really wants to be if he wasn't self-censoring for his own family. I get it... it's a dangerous place to go, to be judged because of super-personal issue, especially in a show this huge... but I think that's what we need. Perhaps he could channel this through his sous-writers... Remove the daddy, add a bit of superhero, keep the fallibility while developing deeper relationships and you have a winner IMHO.
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Postby Sanjuro » Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:55 pm

Liv wrote:I don't care what it is. Any writer who doesn't write a portion of themselves into the characters has to be self-loathing- so I'm certain he has. That said, it's not what I want to see. I don't want Moffat to portray his ownself as father-figure through the Doctor or Amy to be a metaphor for his daughter. I want to see the Doctor be the Moffat he really wants to be if he wasn't self-censoring for his own family. I get it... it's a dangerous place to go, to be judged because of super-personal issue, especially in a show this huge... but I think that's what we need. Perhaps he could channel this through his sous-writers... Remove the daddy, add a bit of superhero, keep the fallibility while developing deeper relationships and you have a winner IMHO.

But who wants the Doctor to develop deeper relationships? Honestly keeping the air of mystery is half the fun. You simply cannot humanize the character too much or put him in too many romantic situations because then it becomes a soap opera. Simply put, he has to be quirky, dark, and mysterious. I love the fact people thought Moffat would take the obvious path with this new incarnation (since the age difference is no longer a problem with the young companion as a romantic interest) yet went completely opposite.

Oh, one last thing... River Song and Matt Smith's Doctor weren't supposed to have any chemistry. However, I agree-on camera-they completely do which actually works for the plot device. One could argue the closer he is to the incarnation of The Doctor that married(?) her, the more chemistry they will have. At any rate, she will play heavily into the next series I think. Remember, "dances" or "dancing" is a euphemism for sex in Moffat's Doctor stories (The Doctor Dances, Girl in the fireplace), I think it was interesting that River commented on his dancing in the final scene.

I swear I catch new things each time I watch this series' episodes. All very well written (although they did too much with the Stone Angels I think) and very witty. Good, good stuff. I can certainly tell he wrote one of my other favorite BBC series of all time, "Coupling".
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Postby Nfidel » Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:44 pm

Sanjuro wrote:
I swear I catch new things each time I watch this series' episodes. All very well written (although they did too much with the Stone Angels I think) and very witty. Good, good stuff. I can certainly tell he wrote one of my other favorite BBC series of all time, "Coupling".

When I complain about having nothing here to watch, my son berates me for not having watched the "Coupling" DVD he burnt me. I'll have to give it a try soon. By the way, I like the fez. They are cool you know.
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Postby Liv » Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:12 pm

Coupling was good for what it was.... if you ignore the "friends" aspect of it. The humor is spot on, and it's very conversational.
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Postby Jamy » Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:44 pm

Aiiiiyyyyeeee! :dance: Too cool! I know a few people I'm going to have to share this link with. They're Dr. Who FANATICS! Thanks for sharing this!
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Postby Liv » Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:20 am

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Postby Sanjuro » Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:02 pm

An for anyone who hasn't found it yet... here is the absolutely hilarious lost Craig Ferguson musical tribute to Doctor Who from that show. The one he couldn't air because they couldn't secure the musical rights. Never before has any one video so perfectly explained 47 years of doctor who, entertained, and encapsulated what its all about in one verse (the last one).

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Postby Liv » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:00 pm

Watched it yesterday... I just love how he had to explain it to his US viewers... Must be so weird from someone like Tennant of Smith to be so huge and popular in one place, and then visit the U.S. and be non-recognizable to most Americans.
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Postby Liv » Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:36 pm

Anyone care to explain to me the fish-sticks, pond, fish and shark theme in Moffat's Doctor Who???
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Postby Sanjuro » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:55 pm

Looks like I have something else to DVR tonight... Alex Kingston (lust lust lust :romance-heartsthree: ) will appear on Craig Ferguson tonight. PLUS they will be opening with the previously recorded dance number as they finally acquired the rights!

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Postby Sanjuro » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:18 pm

What is this doing parked in Warner Bros backlot today?

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Postby Liv » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:42 pm

Sanjuro wrote:What is this doing parked in Warner Bros backlot today?

Um hellllo... It's a TARDIS... it could be anywhere, at any place.... at any time.... timey, whimey.....

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Postby Liv » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:41 pm

So I can say without a doubt, I love the last two shows, and clearly the new series is coming into its stride now. Loving the parallels between war, and killing other humans when we're practically the same people.
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Postby Liv » Fri May 11, 2012 3:10 pm

So apparently I'm not the only one who has had issues with the lack of depth in Moffat's Dr Who. Amy and Rory will depart this season, and rumor of a new Doctor is in the midst.

Something in the back of my mind keeps asking if Davies could return?
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Postby shannon » Fri May 11, 2012 3:54 pm

Oooh, I can't wait to see what happens next! I'd love them to try a completely new direction. The three amigos has been fun and Smith's Dr. is endearing, but I really miss the intensity of Davies. Totally loved the twist with River Song though. She's fantastic! It's been fun and flirty, but I can't help feel that something has been missing.
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Postby shannon » Fri May 11, 2012 4:01 pm

I did see on the bottom of that article that people mentioned that they would love Hugh Laurie to play the Dr. in the film. That would be sooo interesting. I could totally see that being a different direction with some great intensity. I guess the whole thing with Doctor Who is what sort of fan are you? What kind of doctor do you like? Each one has brought something totally different to the series. Are you more into sci-fi, the metaphysical, romance, drama, humor...the list goes on? It must be a tricky feat to please all these facets as a writer for the show. With such a large following, it would be hard to please everyone.
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Postby Liv » Fri May 11, 2012 4:17 pm

I'm not sure the BBC has the budget anymore to pay Hugh Laurie.
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Postby Liv » Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:01 pm


Loved this!
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