So it's 12:53am, and I'm up and awake. Shan and the kids are all nestled snuggly in their beds. Me.... I'm watching trans-Atlantic sail boat trips on youtube. The idea that I live 200 miles from an ocean, whereby I could jump on a boat and escape everything... and possibly show up on the other side of the world, frightens and excites me all at once. The idea of being out in the middle of the ocean for days on end, with no contact of the modernized world seems so exciting, I think I'd jump at the chance to do it. Anyhow, I had to post this story when I ran across it... and it's recent... so here you go:
two brothers, Ralph Brown, 50, of Spring Hill, and Robert Brown, 51, of Merritt Island, managed to cross the Atlantic in a tiny fishing boat, Ralph Brown said via satellite phone from a London restaurant where they finished their voyage over the weekend.
They left the dock at downtown Tampa's Marriott Waterside on June 27. via
If you still doubt that small people who dream big don't succeed in this world then check out this boat the size of a suitcase which made the trip.