History is but a Myth That Mankind has decided as fact.
by Liv | Published on July 20th, 2009, 10:55 am | Arts
So last night I watched Assume The Position with Mr Wuhl. I've seen bits of it before but It's absolutely brilliant. (See Below for Videos) There were two great quotes on the show I adored:
History is but a Myth That Mankind has decided as fact.
and a quote from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance:
When Legend becomes fact, print the legend.
Besides the obvious historical and educational things that are really surprising from the show, more importantly it really goes to show you how little we actually know of things. More importantly the next time your neighborhood journalist ribs you for being a blogger, remember in the bigger picture of the world neither of your work is going to matter. It's the movies, and the books that will go down in history... that writes history. One day we might all believe that in the year of 2009, Chevrolet Camaros transform into robots.
I mean, if history isn't real, then what is? Furthermore, we put so much trust in Newspapers but yet I've seen Citizen Cane and know that it's a corrupt often biased industry (just look at Fox News). Perhaps bloggers are just a genuine as the real thing? Perhaps none of it really matters?
I think the History Quote: (History is but a Myth That Mankind has decided as fact) is really something that can cross outside of the "History" folder tab and into religion, or even science. It appears to me that as humans we are in general, faulty in our ability to reason rationally and remember the facts.
Anyhow here's a bit of History from Mr Wuhl:
America was founded on a constitution with a grammatical error in the first sentence:
"In order to form a more perfect union."
The American Patriotic Song Yankee Doodle was actually a British song that mocked Americans.
"We will rock you" a song played at every sports arena and cheered on by homophobic burly men is sung by Queen whose lead singer was Freddie Mercury a gay man.
Isn't history lovely?