Ford Fiesta.... A bit of Europe in America
by Liv | Published on May 24th, 2010, 9:41 pm | Sports
The Ford Fiesta- I like it, I really do. I think the $13,900 price tag is a bit much, but it is on par with the exact same Europe model, a best selling car abroad. It looks as though it's coming over here with the exact same looks. Ironically it's made in Mexico. Poor Arizona could have gotten the jobs... but well they kicked them out.
The Ford Fiesta gets 40 MPG, which isn't too bad when you consider it's almost 10 G's cheaper than Toyota's throttle sticking Prius. Though I'm old enough to remember the original Fiesta: The Festiva. (A re-branded KIA)
Of course that car never went over very well with the American public. Too small, no power, and the excellent fuel mileage meant nothing at a time when gas was .86 cents a gallon. I'm wondering, if this time they're ready?
I'd buy one if I had plans to stay in The States. Great gas mileage, nice looks, more affordable than a Mini-Cooper. (Makes you wonder if the U.S. should build a Giant-Cooper?) But you don't have to sell me, the fact they used them in the Royal Marines was enough to sell for me.
My biggest gripes on this car are 1) the price, 2) that horrid green color they use in all their commercials C) the name of the car. Fiesta? Really? Come on Ford! That might work in Europe but we over here in the U.S. need something more exciting... how about the Ford Engage... oh yes, that has a nice ring to it. A name so un-European people might actually buy it. In fact given the military experience of the said vehicle, you could sell it to tea-baggers and Palin types as able to cross whole deserts on a single tank of gas to slit the throats of Al Qaeda. Enough room to deport a dozen Mexicans; or even, hype it as a replacement for the Hummer since, well, that didn't work out so good for us in the war on oil. Hmmm.....