The Z5 : Secret Israel Alloy Improves Gas Milege by 40%?
by Liv | Published on June 12th, 2009, 8:21 am | Sports
I'm always a bit skeptical about gas saving devices. After all, if it worked... Ford would have figured it out, right? Some kid over in Israel developed a gas saving device made out of a secret alloy which supposedly increases gas milege and power up to 40% called the Z5.
To me it looks suspiciously like The Tornado, and indeed, this article seems to suggest the increase in power isn't due to the alloy but how it effects the flow of the air (similarly to the Tornado)
Though Badash learned physics at high school and is already doing math at university courses, the knowledge he needed to come up with the special metal alloys in his device didn't come from either of these places. "I realized that there has to be something with all the technologies around us that isn't done, that could be," he says.
The device he developed changes -- for a fraction of a second -- the way air behaves when going into the combustion chamber. This change allows the engine to use air more efficiently, saving fuel and giving more thrust at the same time.
So what's the point of the "secret alloy?"
The actually website for the Z5 is down.
Apparently some are now requesting a Nobel Prize for for the Z5:
He thinks Badash should win a Nobel Prize for the Z5.
Personally I've been curious about mounting a Peltier plate in the airbox, and seeing if there was enough of an effect to condense the air.