It was about how some ultra-orthodox Jews were moving to new neighborhoods around Jerusalem and making annoying little asses of themselves when they got there. The reporter interviewed this one 18-year-old brat who seemed to be spending his life studying the Torah. Apparently, he wanted to study his special book out in a local cafe, but was upset that the women in the neighborhood weren't dressed "modestly enough." So some of his fellow nut bars had posted signs asking the women to please not wear pants around them. Apparently, this poor dope needed a "calm mind" to study his book properly, and he just couldn't manage it with females wandering into his peripheral vision and displaying distracting shapes to clutter his mind with un-Godly thoughts.
Talk about hubris!
But the story did get me thinking. Here was a kid, barely started off in life, and he seems to think that all life is about studying a rather tiny book for decades on end, trying to puzzle out goodness only knows what. Talk about a waste! But that's only one form of religious fanaticism, and the world certainly isn't much harmed by it in the grand scheme of things. Annoyed at having such judgmental little pricks like him around, sure. But not really harmed as such.
But there are a couple other types of religious fanaticism around that are noteworthy.
First, there's the religious nut that thinks is "God's will" that he carry out God's judgment against the sinners, and goes out and kills 'em. And for the record, the "religious fanatics" historically have been from pretty much EVERY religion. We've talked about these monsters in human form more than enough in this forum. I just thought this post required a brief mention, just to touch the base.
Then, there is the rare, but most pleasant sort of religious fanatic: the folks who seem to "get it right" and use their fascination with their religion to propel them toward making the world a better place for everyone. I'm thinking Gandhi here, or Desmond Tutu... MLK. It's a short list -- seems far too short, IMO -- but it has some terrific people on it. These folks take their religion and use it to fuel a boundless effort to help bring peace and justice to the world. They may be similar to the other groups in a few superficial ways, but they diverge from the others by going out and doing everything that can to help others to live happier, more loving lives.
It's just a shame, really, that humanity can't produce more of the latter type of religious fanatics, if we really MUST have religious fanatics...