More travel pain: carry-on fees
by SouthernFriedInfidel | Published on April 12th, 2010, 9:28 am | Travel
Well, Spirit Airlines (yeah... I never heard of them either) has fired the next salvo in the war on passengers: Charging up to $50 for the privilege of taking a bag on boar the plane with you. Of course, there ARE problems with carry-ons. As in people taking things that resemble miniature trunks on wheels on board these cramped planes ,and cramming them into the bins regardless of whether the space can take it without bursting. Really, this was a problem well before folks were encouraged to pack for a week trip using just their carry-on.And I could see an effort to penalize people who do this overstuffing, if you could not bother folks like myself, who live within the size/weight limits for bags in the overhead. I mean, I only carry the sensible things in my carry-on: a change of clothes, camera, a few necessities to live overnight in case of delays or loss of my main bag, and a book. I don't think I'm asking too much to take that and put in in the bin over head. Spirit apparently thinks I am. Well screw them, and anyone else who tries this crap.
In the end, I may have to go on vacation with just a laptop bag for under the seat, stuffed with a second set of clothes. And I'll just have to plan on doing laundry every couple of days while I'm away.
(sorry -- had to edit it to correct the fees being planned... originally my post read $5, which even I couldn't get huffy over)