My visit to Kennedy Space Center
by SouthernFriedInfidel | Published on January 20th, 2010, 9:52 pm | Travel
Haven't had a chance to visit the space center in Florida so far this century, and vacationing just a little way away, I though I would toddle over to have a look. I remembered my visits over the years. Visits where the optimism and adventurous spirit of the place just seemed to ooze into you as you stayed around. Where you caught on to the whole attitude that the astronauts claim of being harbingers of a new way for humanity to view itself, without national differences and with all united in common cause to create a better world for humanity, as they blaze the path to living on other planets.This visit was bittersweet to me. Because no matter how much they displayed regarding their new Orion space vehicle and their preparations for the Ares launch vehicle, all the optimism they expressed about their future is now only too obviously misplaced.
NASA has been starved of design/development money for decades, unable to replace the shuttles when they had originally planned to. Now, they are talking about their "mandate" to return people to the Moon -- a mandate that never got properly funded, and now has pretty much zero chance of truly getting under way. All these people are working on borrowed time. They will barely be able to keep the frickin' space station up for the coming decade. Beyond that, I expect very few humans to go to space any more. We will be fighting for our financial survival as a nation, just as Russia has done and is doing.
Maybe China will own the Moon one day. But us -- we will be paying the penalty for Bush's folly in Iraq and Reagan's legacy for the rest of our life as a nation.
So I left the hopes and triumphs of NASA behind. I felt like crying. That wondrous dream is now denied, I believe. Which totally blows. We could have done so much more.......