Free College in Europe
by Liv | Published on December 29th, 2009, 7:27 pm | Travel
I'm giving a lot of thought to returning back to school these days. My biggest dilemma with the whole process is the idea I would be forced to go deeply into debt to gain a piece of paper which may entitle me to a better paying job. At age 32, the idea of paying off college loans into retirement sends shivers down my veins. On the other hand, free tuition to college in Europe sounds like a dream come true.
Now I've not read enough about it to know even if I'd qualify to be honest, but I'm thinking about looking into it. For some odd reason when you get past 30, no one wants to give you scholarships, offer you internships or think you're worth a darn. Apparently when you turn 30, you need to have your life locked down, prepare for grandchildren, and graduate into shopping with those scooter grocery carts and your rolling oxygen tank. I'm sorry if I was a late bloomer, but I'm just now figuring this whole "life" thing out, and apparently it's too late.
So back to the college thing. Germany in particular apparently offers a limited number of positions for Americans who wish to study in their country. The tuition, free except for a few small student fees. Even housing can be won via scholarship. The downside is the classes are all in German, but to me, that sounds like a challenge. I'd be more than glad to crash course some Germany for free school.
Too bad there isn't a Welsh version as I don't own a dirndl yet.