The Murder that no one knows.
by Liv | Published on January 4th, 2009, 8:56 am | Life
What I'm about to write has been on my chest for sometime. It's speculative, I suppose at best but none the less something tells me I need to write it. I apologize if anyone whom knows me or Shan is upset by this... but it's truly how I feel, and I've waited a long time to say it.You may remember sometime back I mentioned a friend of the family had died. That friend whom is going to remain nameless was Shannon's best friend at the time when she worked at a local Food Lion. She also became my friend, and was a inspirational single mom who was working two jobs just to pay child support. One of those jobs was working at a wholesale car dealer, and it was with her kindness and help we secured our last car when we were down on our luck.
The official story goes something like this. "D" (as we shall call her) was all happy and living life. One day she doesn't show up at work, eventually her boss decides to drive by her house and while her car is parked there, they get no answer. So they call the cops and find her dead. The death is attributed to her not taking her medication, case closed, we all go to the funeral and "D" becomes nothing more than a fond cherished memory carried in our minds.
But this never sat well with me. For one, there's a whole lot more to the story. The cops, which I'm suspecting would have been Guilford County Sheriff's since she lived in Climax, to my knowledge never investigated the case, never came to the store and talked to people, and for the most part the whole thing was hushed and covered up. Part of this I believe is because "D" was using drugs, and no one wanted "D" to go down in history as the girl who died from doing drugs.
So where does the murder come from? Well along comes a spider, (to borrow from V graciously) lets call her "M". About a month or so prior to "D"'s death, "D" stopped talking to us and her usual group of friends and began hanging out with "M". "D" had spoken a few times about depression, etc... and she confided in Shannon her drug use. So it wasn't really any surprise that "M" & "D" began hanging out together. "M" was an avid self-confessed, almost blatant in your face drug user whom was widely renowned as girlfriend of the local Drug Czar. While in my mind it makes perfect sense to connect the two, the only people whom possibly might have been interviewed by the cops to make the connection was "M","D", & Shannon's superior at the time whom was rumored to be romantically involved with "M" and also a customer of "M"'s boyfriend.
Confused? Now I know there's nothing I know of other than speculation that can connect them. Even if by some chance it could be proved "M" was with "D" the night of her death, and it was due to drugs I must honestly admit it's a stretching of the term to call it Murder, and certainly "D" has some responsibility in the whole thing. But it kills me that a friend would possibly leave her friend to die, and then cover it up. It also bothers me when a internal anonymous tip was provided to Food Lion concerning "M"'s drug use, nothing was done about. What really infuriates me is a few days ago "M" was bragging to another employee and friend of ours how she does drugs all the time, and boasted once again how the last 9 months she's done drugs and stated "I know lots of people who do drugs and their babies come out just fine." "M" is due any day. She smokes & does drugs.... and quite frankly I'm wondering if another needless life is going to die because of her stupidity.