Laundry Detergent....
by Liv | Published on November 18th, 2008, 8:32 pm | Life
So I'm at Wal-Mart yesterday and I decided to buy this new "Gain" laundry detergent which has this great looking box with fruit on it and several statements which suggested my clothes would smell like wonderful fruit flavors. I thought.... Sweater + Fruit Loops = Kewl!!!
I figured it was a market ploy, but still it's a great idea... Yes, I want my clothes to smell incredibly good!!!! Well sadly, they didn't smell any different then normal cheap detergent. I'm disappointed. Technically I still think there's a niche market here. That said, I truly wonder the difference between the "cheap-o" laundry detergent, and the Tide stuff. I mean, Tide is super expensive, and I do love the smell.... but It's hard for me to believe it's so much better it's worth paying 12 times the price of the off-brand. Yet some people must.... because Tide is still in business.
Oh and what's with the newer "high concentrate" versions.... if they could have concentrated it all along, then why didn't they?
Was there some giant leap in laundry detergent technology in the last year, and I just didn't hear about it?