Cottingley Fairies
by Liv | Published on October 17th, 2008, 3:07 pm | Life
Just finished watching Torchwood. I love the show, and one of the episodes is loosely based on the Cottingley Fairy phenomenon of 1917 which occurred and was photographed near Bradford, England. One photo from the occurrence has been the center of controversy as one of the girls claimed to her death it was authentic and real. "The Fifth" Photo as it was called was analyzed by a photo expert and stated "these dancing figures are not made of paper nor any fabric; they are not painted on a photographic background—but what gets me most is that all these figures have moved during the exposure."I remember one time at work when we discontinued a product we sold which had angels on it, my job was to offer a suitable replacement to the item they have & entice them purchase that instead. I suggested a product which had children on it with colorful wings. One very religious woman yelled back at me "Those aren't children with wings, those are FARIES!!!!" followed by "Do you know what fairies are?", I replied back "uh.... no... mam, I guess I don't".... (as submissively as my job requires me to be.) She states "Fairies are demons. They're demonic beings sent by the devil."