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Jennifer, The Newpaper Editor.

by Liv | Published on October 5th, 2008, 10:51 am | Life
I've always marveled at how people come in and out of our lives. The other day I was thinking about this girl named Jennifer from back in College. She was my editor at the time at the campus newspaper I worked for out Ventura. Sadly, I can't even remember her last name now.

The thing about life is sometimes you make mistakes that you wish you could go back and change. Looking back it's clear to me I may have had a giant impact on someones life, but didn't realize it at the time. Jennifer is someone I wish I could apologize too.

Let me state that this isn't my only regret. Another class-mate whom I found out only after she drove her vehicle off the interstate bridge to her death, had a romantic crush on me to which I was completely naive too. Jennifer on the other hand, I think I led on. We were really good friends, and that's all I saw out of our relationship. We'd hang out, watch Dawson's creek, pillow fight... and basically gossip about everything going on in the news-room. This went on for about a month, until at some point I ended up taking Jennifer to a party. This is the night I regret.

We pulled up, went in and the usually things that take place at a party began to take place. For Jennifer, she was a good girl, I myself immediately joined my group of friends out on the back patio to begin the journey down the rabbit hole of some wonderful California marijuana, and beer. I of course invited her out there, but she declined. As things would go, considering Jennifer just a friend, it didn't bother me much when eventually my eyes fell upon this one particular girl at the party. Gorgeous and beautiful, for the remainder of the night me and her seemed to be about the only two people in the room. I had completely forgot I had come to the party with another date. In my mind it didn't matter though... we were just friends. Eventually at some point I handed Jennifer keys to my car (a 350 horsepower Cammaro) and said "See ya tomorrow."

Now this is where one of two things happened. Either a) She thought we were just friends, and none of this really matters. or b) I really broke her heart that night.

The whole lesbian, friendship aspect gets really confusing sometimes.

If indeed it is b), then it wasn't till several years later after analyzing the whole situation it occurred to me I was as much of a jerk to Jennifer as I've often blamed men and women that I've been interested in as being to me.
Looking back you could summarize the whole situation as me ditching my date at the party to flirt with another girl.

Indeed it's when I returned to the press room the following weeks, our relationship was very different. We had casual chats, but our "friendship" had disappeared. Eventually we both moved on, and I have no clue where she is now a days. Even more ironic is how she always identified as Lois from the movie Superman. (Then again, all news-women do).

So... if you're out there Jen, I'm sorry. Oh, and not that it matters now.... but I wish I would have been nicer to the girl who drove off the overpass. I really hope it wasn't because of me.

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