It seems sort of silly, but what if we could make heterosexuals- gay? Sure, Orson Scott Card would be upset, but lets say it was possible. Think I'm kidding, Scientists have done it- they've made bugs: "bi". The US military tried it. They call it the Gay Bomb.
"One distasteful but non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behaviour," says the proposal from the Air Force's Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio.
Personally, I'd love to see this "bomb" tested on Fred Phelps neighborhood, the more interesting a likely candidate would be the Taliban.
Perhaps this goes back to the childhood "walk a mile in someone else's shoes" metaphor. If the tables were turned, if heterosexuals just for a moment could walk in the shoes of their homosexual brothers and sisters perhaps we wouldn't have people like Orson planning to overthrow the government and kill gays.
Perhaps if we made heterosexual marriage illegal just for a week, then those who are so adamantly & hypocritically against it would change their minds.
I must admit the idea, though fiction, does appeal to some inner vindictive side of me. Thinking of George Bush in the fetal position in the corner of a room duct-taped with plastic wrap praying he doesn't wake up 28 days later wanting to love on Dick Cheney makes my giggle intensely.
In reality I do think it's possible with all the efforts to ban "Gay Marriage" we could see a backlash which at some point eliminates "Heterosexual" marriage at least in a legal sense. Eventually it will be all or nothing. Give everyone marriage, or no one. Now there's some irony, the institution of marriage, which conservatives set out to protect gets destroyed by their own bigotry. Now that would make a good movie.