Abortion: the game of Duck, Duck, Duck, GOOSE!
by royaldiadem | Published on July 26th, 2008, 10:13 am | Life
Abortion is not trivial. It is the murder of a Human Being who is made in the image of God.
Serious violation of the character and person of Jesus Christ.
Duck, Duck, Duck,... Goose! is a child's game.
Serious silliness for an adult.
What do these two things have in common? Nothing until this morning. I realized again the truth of the internal impossibility of living life in american culture today as an unbeliever, a lost man. Regularly our church ministers the Gospel of Jesus Christ and reads the Word of God (certainly not mutually exclusive) to the baby murdering patrons of "A Woman's Choice" abortion provider in Greensboro, NC at 201 Pomona Drive.
While preaching, praying and teaching a new person to our ministry this morning, I noticed a 20-25 bird parade of Canadian Geese making their way across Pomona Drive. Pastor Dustin was talking with our brother, new to our clinic ministry, and accounting for the behavior of the patrons of the clinic. I chuckled at the irony I will detail below, the two men stopped their conversation immediately, likely shocked at my chuckle, which would normally be out of place. The chuckle was a sardonic reaction to the irony of the situation.
The driver of a white SUV had stopped in the middle of the intersection of Pomona and Dundas Drive to permit the Geese to make their way across Pomona. Touching.
The problem is that this happened withing 50 yards of a death camp. Babies being slaughtered like pigs in their mother's womb. People were KILLING HUMANS while the driver stopped for at least two dozen Geese.
Now there are two, no three, possibilities for their grace (word chosen carefully) either the driver:
1) Obeyed federal law prohibiting KILLING CANADIAN GEESE,..
2) Obeyed their conscience telling them not to KILL UNNECESSARILY
3) Did not want to mess up the cleanliness of their automobile.
On with the account (this is NOT a story, it is an account of the behaviors of a couple, geese and a human baby, made in the image of GOD Genesis 1:27), if the inconsistent practice of the Lost Man and Woman.
Once the last adult Canadian Goose, no cute little fuzzy baby goslings, passed the center double yellow line, the driver of the SUV slowly, very slowly passed by the three of us, the first entrance to the Killing Service, the second entrance of the Murder Store and around the corner out of sight. I had a great picture of the irony of the valuing of animal life and the total abandonment of human life, worse, the Murder of a Human Being Baby. Thinking that the SUV was a passerby, I continued to mull over what happened, Pastor Dusty and our brother, new to the Abortion ministry of Shepherd’s Fellowship, continued to talk about the puzzling circumstance.
Less than two minutes later, just enough time to move out of sight, make an about face likely in a parking lot off of Pomona, the same SUV came around the curve and slowly entered the parking lot, yielded it’s driver who spared the life of several Canadian geese, and his wife.
How can a human being live this life? How can one hold the life of an animal as valuable and in the same quarter hour KILL A HUMAN BABY?
Romans 1:18-23
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
I am calling for responses to this irony. Christians; What happens if these two adults are “professing” christians? (we experience this often, patrons of the Death clinic regularly express they are “Christians”).
In the event that these are unbelievers,..?